Documentation request for Fenics-Dolfin-2019

I’m working with an older codebase, it is small. It’s written using fenecs-dolfin-2019

It would be nice to have access to the old documentation. The LSP provided with python isn’t complete, it lacks some type inferance, hence I can’t find the exact method available and their argument types.

If possible, could you repost the documentation from back then?
If completely unavailable in the next few days, I’ll have to rewrite it for dolfinx.

Does the set of feature dolfinx offer >= the set dolfin features?

Or the span of what is possible at least? Is dolfinx still in beta, are bug expected and debugging on the C++ binding incomplete?

Documentation for legacy dolfin is available for various versions at

DOLFINx extends DOLFIN in many ways, including:

  • arbitrary order geometry
  • Quadrilateral elements and hexahedral elements
  • Every operation is MPI compatible.
    and many other things.

DOLFINx has been out of «beta» release since 2022, ref

It is actively developed and maintained.
For the latest addition in the last release see:

There is also the preprint:

that explains the rationale of DOLFINx + expands on the usage of some specific features.

There are also many tutorials, including
and many others.