Double Pipe TopOp Problem Using Linear Elements

I’m trying to solve the double pipe problem from Borrval and Petersson (2003), using the same methods as in A detailed introduction to density-based topology optimisation of fluid flow problems with implementation in MATLAB.

My code is able to solve the optimisation problem with similar results for the geometry and object value. However when solving the final forward problem, it results in a checkerboard pressure plot.

When solving problem with Taylor-Hood elements, the problem disappears. And i have been able to solve the stationary problem of the initial problem (no topology optimsation), using first order elements.

Therefore i suspect that it has something to do with the implementation of the SPUG/PSPG stabilisation in combination the Brinkman penalty.

from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from MMA import mmasub # Import MMA functions
from pyadjoint.placeholder import Placeholder
set_log_level(LogLevel.ERROR) # Only print message if error message

# turning reorder_dofs_serial to avoid scrambling of solution when extracted at the cost of some computing power
parameters["reorder_dofs_serial"] = False

## Physical Parameters
Uin = 1; rho = 1e-3; mu = 1 # Inlet velocity, density and viscosity 
lx = 1; ly = 1 # Length and height of domain
## Domain Size and Meshing
nely = 102; nelx = int(nely*lx/ly) # Number of elements in the x and y direction
y_l = ly/6 # Inlet length

## Meshing and functionspaces
mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(lx, ly), nelx, nely, diagonal="crossed") # Creating a rectangle mesh

P1 = VectorElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
P2 = FiniteElement('P', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)

element = MixedElement([P1, P2])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
    ## Creating the inlet class
class FluidInlet_Lower(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and near(x[0], 0) and (x[1] > ly/6 and x[1] < (2*ly)/6)
class FluidInlet_Upper(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and near(x[0], 0) and x[1] > (4*ly)/6 and x[1] < (5*ly)/6
    ## Creating the outlet class
class FluidOutlet(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and near(x[0], lx) and ((x[1] > ly/6 and x[1] < (2*ly)/6) or (x[1] > (4*ly)/6 and x[1] < (5*ly)/6))

## Creating a class contaning all outer walls
class AllWalls(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary

## Creates a domain containing all facets
facets = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-1, 0)

## Initialising of classes
allwalls = AllWalls() 
fluidinlet_lower = FluidInlet_Lower()
fluidinlet_upper = FluidInlet_Upper()
fluidoutlet = FluidOutlet()

## Marking of classes
allwalls.mark(facets, 4) # Marks all outer walls with 4
fluidinlet_lower.mark(facets, 1) # Overwrites and marks the lower inlet with 1
fluidinlet_upper.mark(facets, 2) # Overwrites and marks the upper inlet with 2
fluidoutlet.mark(facets, 3) # Overwrites and marks outlet with 3

u_in_exp_lower = Expression('Uin*(-4*pow((x[1]/y_l-1), 2)+4*(x[1]/y_l-1))', Uin=Uin, y_l=y_l, degree=2)
u_in_exp_upper = Expression('Uin*(-4*pow(((x[1]-3*y_l)/y_l-1), 2)+4*((x[1]-3*y_l)/y_l-1))', Uin=Uin, y_l=y_l, degree=2)

## Boundary conditions
BcV_Inlet_Lower = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(0), u_in_exp_lower, facets, 1)
BcV_Inlet_Upper = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(0), u_in_exp_upper, facets, 2)
BcV_Inlet1 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.0), facets, 1)
BcV_Inlet2 = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.0), facets, 2)
BcV_Outlet = DirichletBC(V.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.0), facets, 3)
BcV_Wall = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), Constant((0.0, 0.0)), facets, 4)
BcP_Outlet = DirichletBC(V.sub(1), Constant(0.0), facets, 3)

BcV = [BcV_Outlet, BcV_Wall, BcV_Inlet_Lower, BcV_Inlet_Upper, BcV_Inlet1, BcV_Inlet2]
BcP = [BcP_Outlet]
bcs = BcV + BcP # Collecting all boundary conditions

V0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) # Discontinous functionspace

## Allowable fluid volume fraction
volfrac = 1/3; xinit = volfrac
voltot = lx*ly

## Brinkman penalisation
alphamax = 2.5*mu/(0.01**2); alphamin = 2.5*mu/(100*2)

## Continuation strategy
ainit = 2.5*mu/(0.1**2) # Initial brinkman penalty
qinit = (-xinit*(alphamax-alphamin) - ainit+alphamax)/(xinit*(ainit-alphamin)) # Initial intpolation factor
qavec = qinit/np.array([[1], [2], [10], [20]]); qanum = len(qavec)-1
qastep = 0
qa = Constant(np.squeeze(qavec[qastep]))

## Optimisation loop setting
niter = 5 # Max number of iterations
tol_opt = 1e-3 # Convergence tolreance, based on the absolute error
mvlim = 0.2         # Maximum change of gamma_k per iteration

dx2 = dx(metadata={"quadrature_degree":2*3}) # Increases mathmatical degree to increase stability

def forward(gamma, qa):
    Solves the forward problem (solving PDE) using the RAMP method

    Inputs: gamma is the density variable field
    Outputs: Variables used for computing the objectiive function
    # ----- DEFINING PROBLEM -----
    # Defining the trial and test functions
    w, q = TestFunctions(V) # Creating test function for the velocity and pressure functionspace
    up = Function(V) # Creating a conbined function for velocity and pressure

    # Material interpolation
    def RAMP(gamma, qa):      # RAMP method interpolating 
        return alphamin + (alphamax - alphamin)*(1-gamma)/(1+qa*gamma)

    ## Assign initial conditions
    e_u0 = Expression(('Uin', '0.0'), degree=1, Uin=Uin) # Initial velocity expression
    e_p0 = Expression('0.0', degree=1) # Initial pressure expression
    u0 = interpolate(e_u0, V.sub(0).collapse()) # Interpolates the initial values over functionspace
    p0 = interpolate(e_p0, V.sub(1).collapse())# Interpolates the initial values over functionspace
    assign(up, [u0, p0]) # Assigns the initial values to the functionspace

    u, p = split(up) # Splits into two seperate functionspaces

    ## Stabilisation parameter
    vnorm = sqrt(dot(u, u)) # Calculates the velocity norm
    tau_1 = h/(2*vnorm) # Calculates tau_1 SUPG/PSPG stability factor
    tau_3 = (rho*h**2)/(12*mu) # Calculates tau_3 SUPG/PSPG sstability factor
    tau_4 = rho/RAMP(gamma, qa) # Calculates tau_4 SUPG/PSPG sstability factor

    tau = (tau_1**(-2) + tau_3**(-2) + tau_4**(-2))**(-1/2) # Calculating the collected SUPG/PSPG parameter
    ## Navier-Stokes equation
    F    = (rho*inner(grad(u)* u, w)*dx2 +   # Convection term
        mu*inner(grad(u), grad(w))*dx2 -    # Viscous term
        inner(p, div(w))*dx2 +              # Pressure term
        div(u)*q*dx2 +                      # Divergence term
        inner(w*RAMP(gamma, qastep), u)*dx2

    ## SUPG/PSPG stabilisation
    F_SUPG = tau*(rho*inner(grad(u)*w, grad(u)*u) + inner(grad(u)*w, grad(p)) + RAMP(gamma, qa)*inner(grad(u)*w, u))*dx2 # 
    F_PSPG = tau/rho*(inner(grad(q), grad(u)*u) + inner(grad(q), grad(p)) + RAMP(gamma, qa)*inner(grad(q), u))*dx2  # 

    F += F_SUPG + F_PSPG

    J = derivative(F, up) # Calculates the Jacobian
    problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(F, up, bcs, J) # Sets up the problem
    solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem) # Saves the solver
    solver.solve() # Solves the problem
    u, p = up.split()
    PHI = (0.5 * inner(RAMP(gamma, qa) * u, u)*dx2 + 0.5* mu * inner(grad(u), grad(u)) * dx2) # Calculates the dissipated energy
    return PHI, u, p # return variables for computing f0

def Optimization(gamma, rf_f0, rf_h):
    Performs gradient based topology optimazation using the Methode of moving assymptotes
    based on a MMA and GCMMA script by Krister Svanberg (
    which is translated to Python Arjee Deetman (

    Inputs: gamma is the density variable field,  rf_f0 is the reduced functional for f0, rf_h is the reduced functional for h, f0_history is 
    Outputs: gamma
    with pyadjoint.stop_annotating() as _:
        # ------ INITIALASING LOOP -----
        ## MMA Topology Optimization settings
        # Initialize MMA parameters
        m = 1                                       # Number of constraints
        n = gamma.vector()[:].size                    # Number of design variables
        xval = gamma.vector()[:].reshape(-1, 1)       # Initial design variables
        xold1 = xval                                # Design variables, one iterations ago, initial
        xold2 = xval                                # Design variables, two iterations ago, initial
        low = 0
        upp = 0
        NumberOfConstraints = 1                     # Only constraint: Volume constraint
        a0 = 1
        ai = 0*np.ones((NumberOfConstraints, 1))
        c = 1000*np.ones((NumberOfConstraints, 1))
        d = 1*np.ones((NumberOfConstraints, 1))	

        ## Load inital designs and preallocate sensitivities
        gamma_k = gamma
        df0dgamma = Function(V0, name="Object function Sensitivity")
        dhdgamma = Function(V0, name="Constraint function Sensitivity")

        ## Performance of inital design
        f0_k = rf_f0(gamma_k)                 # Objective function
        h_k = rf_h(gamma_k)                   # Constraint function 
        ## Initiate iteration counters and previous objective
        iter = 0
        f0_kprev = 0

        while (iter < niter):  
            iter += 1 # Update iteration counter
            # Evaluate sensitivities
            # Scaling functions and storing them in matrices for the MMA solver
            xval = gamma_k.vector()[:].reshape(-1, 1)                     # Saving design variable in xval
            if iter == 1:                                               # Scaling with the initial compliance
                scale = np.abs(f0_k/10)
            f0val = 1 + f0_k/scale                                      # Scaling f0 at xval
            df0dgammaarr = df0dgamma.vector()[:].reshape(-1, 1)/scale       # nx1 matrix of sensitivities of f0 at xval
            hval = h_k                                                  # Array of constraint functions at xval
            dhdgammaarr = dhdgamma.vector()[:].reshape(m, n)                # nx1 matrix of sensitivities of h at xval

            # Setting min and max limits for the xval of next iteration
            xmin = np.maximum(0, gamma_k.vector()[:].reshape(-1, 1)-mvlim)
            xmax = np.minimum(1, gamma_k.vector()[:].reshape(-1, 1)+mvlim)

            # Call MMA
            xmma, ymma, zmma, lam, xsi, eta, mu1, zet, s, low, upp = \
                mmasub(m, n, iter, xval, xmin, xmax, xold1, xold2,
                    f0val, df0dgammaarr, hval, dhdgammaarr, low, upp, a0, ai, c, d, move=1)

            # Update old design values and update gamma
            xold2 = xold1                       # Design variables, two iterations ago
            xold1 = xval                        # Design variables, one iterations ago

            # Update density field
            gamma_k.vector()[:] = xmma.flatten()  # Overwrite gamma with the new gamma from the MMA solver

            # Performance of the current design
            if iter > 1:
                f0_kprev = f0_k
            f0_k = rf_f0(gamma_k)                 # Objective function
            h_k = rf_h(gamma_k)                   # Constraint function 

    return gamma_k

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rho = Constant(rho) # Creating the density as a constant
    mu = Constant(mu) # Creating the viscosity as a constant
    h = CellDiameter(mesh) # Diameter of each element
    # ----- INITIALIZE DENSITIES -----
    gamma = interpolate(Constant(volfrac),V0) # Unfiltered design variable

    PHI, u, p = forward(gamma, qastep) # Solve forward problem (physics problem)

    # Objective and Constraint function
    h = assemble(gamma*dx2)/(volfrac*voltot) - 1
    f0 = assemble(PHI)
    control = Control(gamma)  
    # Reduced functionals
    rf_f0 = ReducedFunctional(f0, control)

rf_h = ReducedFunctional(h, control)  
    gamma = Optimization(gamma, rf_f0, rf_h)
    PHI, u, p = forward(gamma, qastep) # Solve forward problem (physics problem)

    plt.title("Pressure at final design")