Error in PVD file writing associated with projection

Hi everyone,
I experienced a wierd issue with PVD writing using legacy FEniCS. Running multiple simulations in a for cycle, I noticed that pvd files are not saved correctly after the first iteration (i.e., the first simulation). Surprisingly, the cause seems to be a projection operation. Indeed, the error disappear when such line is removed from the code.

Here’s a minimal script reproducing the issue:

import fenics
from pathlib import Path

def fake_sim(iteration: int):
    msh = fenics.UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)  # generate mesh
    V = fenics.FunctionSpace(msh, "Lagrange", 1)  # generate function space

    # generate a function
    foo_exp = fenics.Expression("x[0] < 0.5 ? 1. : 0", degree=1)
    foo = fenics.interpolate(foo_exp, V)

    # do random projection (originally, I was computing grad(foo))
    foo_projection = fenics.project(2 * foo, V)   # REMOVING THIS EVERYTHING WORKS

    # generate output folder
    out_folder = Path(f"out/iteration_n{iteration}")
    out_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    # generate pvd file
    foo_pvd = fenics.File(str(out_folder / Path(f"foo.pvd")))

    # write on file at t 0
    foo_pvd.write(foo, 0)

def main():
    # run sequence of "simulations"
    for i in range(3):
        print(f"Started iteration {i}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here are some additional details:

  • I am using FEniCS 2019.1.0 in a Singularity container
  • I am using Paraview 5.13
  • I know that it is recommended to use xdmf files instead of pvd files. Indeed, I do not encounter the same problem using xdmf. Nevertheless, I need to use pvd files for saving the functions I compute on multiple nodes of my cluster.
  • Below, I attach the pictures of the foo function I visualize in Paraview on iteration 0 and 1.

Can anyone illuminate me on the reason why project should mess up with the writing of a pvd file?

The result on the first iteration:

The result on the second iteration:

Can’t reproduce this locally. I have out/iteration_n0/foo.pvd, out/iteration_n1/foo.pvd and out/iteration_n2/foo.pvd, and they all look like in your first picture.

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Dear Francesco,
Thanks for your kind answer. Apparently, it is an issue related to the latest version of Paraview (5.13). Using an older version (5.9) everything works fine.

That would align with the setup I tested when I answered, where I have paraview 5.12.1.