Error in using Newton's method in mixed formulation


Your code is not reproducible because of the line

solve(form == 0, w, bc, J=derivative(form, u, du),
      solver_parameters={"newton_solver": {"relative_tolerance": 1e-6, "absolute_tolerance": 1e-10, "convergence_criterion": "incremental"}})

since du is not defined. Changing to

solve(form == 0, w, bc, J=derivative(form, w, dw),
      solver_parameters={"newton_solver": {"relative_tolerance": 1e-6, "absolute_tolerance": 1e-10, "convergence_criterion": "incremental"}})

yields to the error you described. By taking a glimpse on your code, I noted that you are using (L, A, u) = w.split(). The correct line is

(L, A, u) = split(w)

This will make your code run. The last is necessary in non-linear problems (see for example Function.split() vs Split(Function)). However, I’m not getting any convergence, so you maybe want to debug further. For example, use interpolate instead of `project for exact solutions.


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