I’m recently working on studying the subdomain in Fenics version 2017.02. I want to test the convergence rate for the Poisson interface problem list below:
I want to use the traditional FEM with interface fitted mesh which I suppose to have 2nd order convergence rate with P1 element. When I use the exact solution on domain Ω:[-1,-1]x[1,1], and the interface is a circle centered at the origin with radius r0=1/2, \alpha=2, ß has different values across the interface, where ß=1000 inside of the circle and 1 otherwise.
I will have f=-4 and g=0 with the corresponding exact solution for the problem. So I generated the mesh with marked subdomains and I got the numerical solution that looks similar to the exact solution but the error norm didn’t change too much with the mesh refine N=40, N=80, N=160. I can’t figure it out for a long time. Any help would be really appreciated!
Please find below for the code:
from fenics import *
from mshr import *
# define variables
ax = -1.0
ay = -1.0
bx = 1.0
by = 1.0
# Define geometry for background
domain = Rectangle(Point(ax,ay),Point(bx,by))
# Define geometry for subdomains
out = Rectangle(Point(ax,ay),Point(bx,by))-Circle(Point(0, 0), r0)
circle = Circle(Point(0, 0), r0)
# Set subdomains
domain.set_subdomain(1, out)
domain.set_subdomain(2, circle)
mesh = generate_mesh(domain, Nx)
meshfile = File("mesh.pvd") # save mesh data
meshfile << mesh
hmax = mesh.hmax()
print('max h', hmax, 'for mesh N', Nx)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
alfa = 2
beta1 = 1
beta2 = 1000
class Beta(Expression):
def __init__(self,markers, **kwargs):
self.markers = markers
def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
if self.markers[cell.index] == 1:
values[0] = beta1
values[0] = beta2
beta = Beta(markers, degree = 1)
# Define boundary condition
u_D = Expression('pow(sqrt(pow(x[0],2) + pow(x[1],2)),alfa)/beta1+ (1/beta1 - 1/beta2)*pow(r0,alfa)',alfa=alfa, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2,r0=r0, degree=2)
def boundary(x):
tol = 1e-15
return abs(x[0]-ax)< tol or abs(x[0]-bx)< tol or abs(x[1]-ay)< tol or abs(x[1]-by)< tol
bc = DirichletBC(V, u_D, boundary)
dx = Measure('dx', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=markers)
# ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=interface_markers)
# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
f = Constant(-4.0)
g = Constant(0.0)
a = beta*dot(grad(u), grad(v))*dx
L = f*v*dx(1) + f*v*dx(2) #+ g*v*ds
# Compute solution
u = Function(V)
solve(a == L, u, bc)
# Save solution to file in VTK format
vtkfile = File('u.pvd')
vtkfile << u
class u_exact(Expression):
def __init__(self, subdom, **kwargs):
self.subdom = subdom
def eval_cell(self, values, x, cell):
if self.subdom[cell.index] == 1:
values[0] = pow(sqrt(pow(x[0],2) + pow(x[1],2)),alfa)/beta1 + (1/beta1 - 1/beta2)*pow(r0,alfa)
values[0] = pow(sqrt(pow(x[0],2) + pow(x[1],2)),alfa)/beta2
u_e = u_exact(markers, degree = 2)
u_e_ = interpolate(u_e, V)
file = File("u_e.pvd")
file << u_e_
# Compute error in L2 norm
error_L2 = errornorm(u_e, u, 'L2')
# Compute maximum error at vertices
vertex_values_u_D = u_e.compute_vertex_values(mesh)
vertex_values_u = u.compute_vertex_values(mesh)
import numpy as np
error_max = np.max(np.abs(vertex_values_u_D - vertex_values_u))
# Print errors
# print(u.vector().get_local())
# print(u_e_.vector().get_local())
print('error_L2', error_L2, 'for N =', Nx)
print('error_max', error_max, 'for N =', Nx)