I would like to work on “real image” with FEniCS. So I try gmsh with simple geometry to understand the process.
If I understood correctly the other threads of the forum, there are three steps : convert the geo file into a msh file ; convert the msh into a xdmf file with meshio ; read on FEniCS.
For the first step, should I use the line * gmsh -2 mesh.geo* with pygmsh?
For the second step (meshio), I’m using a msh file find on the internet with the lines import meshio and msh = meshio.read(“circle_2d.msh”) but this give an assertion error.
If it is not too much asked, will it be possible to send me the complete code (python) to achieve these three steps?
When I use pygmsh (on my FEniCS environment), your geometry (that I called testDokken.geo) and the line gmsh -2 testDokken.geo, I get an error message (invalid synthax).
Dear AMM,
Which version of gmsh is installed on your computer. this can be checked by typing gmsh --version in your terminal.
With the following geo file:
From here, I try my luck but do not feel obliged to answer this question since it no longer concerns FEniCS.
In fact I can not display my mesh with “plot (mesh)” and he gives me an error message (see screenshot in attachment).
Do you know the cause of this?
Thank you
Edit : Paraview does the job well.
Thanks again for all your answers!