Dear All,
this is one of my first code in Fenics. I tried to write down the virtual work principle of an inextensible elastica (1D) subjected to viscous loads where a time-varying rotation is applied to one of the ends. The problem is non-linear and time-dependent so I would like to use explicit newmark method (not at all sure it’s well implemented).
This is the error that the compiler return:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 127, in <module>
- (px(ux_upd(ux_n, vx_n, ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n), vx_upd(vx_n,ax_n,ax), vy_upd(vy_n,ay_n,ay))*ux_ \
TypeError: ux_upd() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
And this is the code I wrote following essentially two tutorial
* (time integration part)
If you have any suggestion or comment please let me know.
from dolfin import *
# Time-stepping parameters
T = 1.0 # final Time
num_steps = 100 # number of time steps
dt = Constant(T / num_steps) # time step size
# GN-beta method
# Material constants
b = 1.0 # base
l = 100.0 # length
E = 1000.0 # Young's modulus
rho = 1.0 # density
I = Constant((b**4)/12) # inertia
B = Constant(E*I) # bending stifness
# Constraint constants
A = 1.0 # amplitude
om = 1.0/(10.0*pi) # angular frequency
# Viscous constants
xit = 1.0
xin = 5.0
# Mesh and function space
mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(10) # s \in [0,1]
P1 = FiniteElement('P', interval , 2) # ?hermitiane?
el4 = MixedElement([P1, P1, P1, P1]) # mixed formulation for the 4 unknown fields
U = FunctionSpace(mesh, el4)
el2 = MixedElement([P1, P1])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, el2)
# Define Trial&Test functions
alL_ = TestFunction(U)
u_ = TestFunction(V)
#split trial&test functions to access the components
ax_, ay_, lambd_, LAMBD_ = split(alL_)
ux_, uy_ = split(u_)
# Define function for displacement, velocities, accelerations and lagrangian multipliers
u = Function(V)
v = Function(V)
alL = Function(U)
u_n = Function(V)
v_n = Function(V)
alL_n = Function(U)
# split functions to access the components
ux, uy = split(u)
vx, vy = split(v)
ax, ay, lambd, LAMBD = split(alL)
ux_n, uy_n = split(u_n)
vx_n, vy_n = split(v_n)
ax_n, ay_n, lambd_n, LAMBD_n = split(alL_n)
# Define boundary
def left(x, on_boundary):
return near(x[0], 0) and on_boundary
################ time discretization ######################
# Newmark formulas for updating displacement and velocity
# Displacement
def ux_upd(ux_n, vx_n, ax_n):
return ux_n + dt*vx_n + dt**2*(ax_n)/2
def uy_upd(uy_n, vy_n, ay_n):
return uy_n + dt*vy_n + dt**2*(ay_n)/2
# Velocity
def vx_upd(vx_n, ax_n, ax):
return vx_n + dt*(1 - beta)*ax_n +beta*dt*ax
def vy_upd(vy_n, ay_n, ay):
return vy_n + dt*(1 - beta)*ay_n +beta*dt*ay
################ time discretization ######################
# Define rotation, curvature and constraints
def theta(ux, uy):
return atan(div(uy)/(1+div(ux)))
def chi(ux, uy):
return div(theta(ux, uy))
def g(ux, uy):
return (1+div(ux))**2 + (div(uy))**2 - 1
hh = Expression("A*sin(om*t)", A = A, om = om, t=0, degree=2)
def h(ux, uy, hh):
return theta(ux, uy) - hh
# Define the non conservative forces
def px(ux, uy, vx, vy):
div(uy)*xin*(-div(uy)*vx + vy*(div(ux) + 1)) - xit*(div(ux) + 1)*(div(uy)*vy + vx*(div(ux) + 1))
def px(ux, uy, vx, vy):
-div(uy)*xit*(div(uy)*vy + vx*(div(ux) + 1)) - xin*(div(ux) + 1)*(-div(uy)*vx + vy*(div(ux) + 1))
# Perorm the variation through the derivative function
def dchi(ux, uy):
return derivative(chi(ux, uy), u, u_)
def dg(ux, uy):
return derivative(g(ux, uy), u, u_)
def dh(ux, uy):
return derivative(h(ux, uy, hh), u, u_)
# Define variational problem
F = + rho*(ax*ax_ + ay*ay_)*dx \
- (B*chi(ux_upd(ux_n,vx_n,ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n))*dchi(ux_upd(ux_n,vx_n,ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n)))*dx \
+ g(ux_upd(ux_n,vx_n,ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n))*lambd_*dx + lambd*dg(ux_upd(ux_n,vx_n,ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n))*dx \
+ h(ux_upd(ux_n,vx_n,ax_n,hh), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n))*LAMBD_*ds + LAMBD*dh(ux_upd(ux_n,vx_n,ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n))*ds \
- (px(ux_upd(ux_n, vx_n, ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n), vx_upd(vx_n,ax_n,ax), vy_upd(vy_n,ay_n,ay))*ux_ \
+ py(ux_upd(ux_n,vx_n,ax_n), uy_upd(uy_n,vy_n,ay_n), vx_upd(vx_n,ax_n,ax), vy_upd(vy_n,ay_n,ay))*uy_)*dx
# solver
t = 0
for n in range(num_steps):
# Update current time
t += dt
# Update the hh
hh.t = t
# Solve variational problem for time step
solve(F == 0, alL)
# Update previous solution
Thanks in advance to all the community