Extract solution on the middle plane

Hello Dear All,
I am new to FEniCs. I managed to solve a problem on a 5X5X5 cube. I would like to extract the solution on the surface of the middle when z=2.5
Please can you tell me how to do this
Thank you in advance.


You can use interpolate_nonmatching_mesh_any from fenicstools to do that.
See example here: Interpolation nonmatching mesh in parallel · mikaem/fenicstools Wiki · GitHub

Thank you for your help. I get a path and permission error when I use the method you suggested. I have all excused the instructions on the site you sent me but I still can’t get it right. Can you give me other alternatives? Thank you in advance.

I’m not sure what you want to do after extracting the solution, but paraview can also be used if you just want to look at the solution.

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Thank you very much for your reply. Indeed I would like this solution for other calculations. I would like to apply the Hilbert transform to obtain the phase and amplitude of the signal that propagates through it.
thank you