Thanks for your response. The belwoMWE show how, the [Biharmonic example solution]
(Biharmonic equation — DOLFINx 0.9.0 documentation) is compared with created normal vector from facet vector approx. . The final results fails to match. Can you provide how fact vector created normal gives same solution as FacetNormal(mesh)
import importlib.util
from mpi4py import MPI
import basix
import dolfinx
import ufl
from dolfinx import fem, io, mesh, plot
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import LinearProblem, assemble_matrix
from dolfinx.mesh import CellType, GhostMode
from ufl import CellDiameter, FacetNormal, avg, div, dS, dx, grad, inner, jump, pi, sin
import basix.ufl
import numpy as np
import dolfinx as dfx
from petsc4py import PETSc
msh = mesh.create_rectangle(
points=((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)),
n=(2, 2),
V = fem.functionspace(msh, ("Lagrange", 2))
tdim = msh.topology.dim
msh.topology.create_connectivity(tdim - 1, tdim)
facets = mesh.exterior_facet_indices(msh.topology)
dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V=V, entity_dim=1, entities=facets)
bc = fem.dirichletbc(value=0.0, dofs=dofs, V=V)
alpha = 8.0
h = CellDiameter(msh)
n = FacetNormal(msh)
h_avg = (h("+") + h("-")) / 2.0
###################### Copied Code ####################################
def tangential_projection(u: ufl.Coefficient, n: ufl.FacetNormal) -> ufl.Coefficient:
return (ufl.Identity(u.ufl_shape[0]) - ufl.outer(n, n)) * u
def facet_vector_approximation(V: dfx.fem.FunctionSpace,
mt: dfx.mesh.MeshTags | None = None,
mt_id: int | None = None,
tangent: bool = False,
interior: bool = False,
jit_options: dict | None = None,
form_compiler_options: dict | None = None) -> dfx.fem.Function:
jit_options = jit_options if jit_options is not None else {}
form_compiler_options = form_compiler_options if form_compiler_options is not None else {}
comm = V.mesh.comm # MPI Communicator
n = ufl.FacetNormal(V.mesh) # UFL representation of mesh facet normal
u, v = ufl.TrialFunction(V), ufl.TestFunction(V) # Trial and test functions
# Define integral measure
if interior:
# Create interior facet integral measure
dS = ufl.dS(domain=V.mesh) if mt is None else ufl.dS(domain=V.mesh, subdomain_data=mt, subdomain_id=mt_id)
# Create exterior facet integral measure
ds = ufl.ds(domain=V.mesh) if mt is None else ufl.ds(domain=V.mesh, subdomain_data=mt, subdomain_id=mt_id)
# If tangent==True, the right-hand side of the problem should be a tangential projection of the facet normal vector.
if tangent:
if V.mesh.geometry.dim == 2:
if interior:
a = (ufl.inner(u('+'), v('+')) + ufl.inner(u('-'), v('-'))) * dS
L = ufl.inner(ufl.as_vector([-n('+')[1], n('+')[0]]), v('+')) * dS \
+ ufl.inner(ufl.as_vector([-n('-')[1], n('-')[0]]), v('-')) * dS
a = ufl.inner(u, v) * ds
L = ufl.inner(ufl.as_vector([-n[1], n[0]]), v) * ds
c = dfx.fem.Constant(V.mesh, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) # Vector to tangentially project the facet normal vectors on
if interior:
a = (ufl.inner(u('+'), v('+')) + ufl.inner(u('-'), v('-'))) * dS
L = ufl.inner(tangential_projection(c, n('+')), v('+')) * dS \
+ ufl.inner(tangential_projection(c, n('-')), v('-')) * dS
a = ufl.inner(u, v) * ds
L = ufl.inner(tangential_projection(c, n), v) * ds
# If tangent==false the right-hand side is simply the facet normal vector.
if interior:
a = (ufl.inner(u('+'), v('+')) + ufl.inner(u('-'), v('-'))) * dS
L = (ufl.inner(n('+'), v('+')) + ufl.inner(n('-'), v('-'))) * dS
a = ufl.inner(u, v) * ds
L = ufl.inner(n, v) * ds
# Find all boundary dofs, which are the dofs where we want to solve for the facet vector approximation.
# Start by assembling test functions integrated over the boundary integral measure.
ones = dfx.fem.Constant(V.mesh, dfx.default_scalar_type((1,) * V.mesh.geometry.dim)) # A vector of ones
if interior:
local_val = dfx.fem.form((ufl.dot(ones, v('+')) + ufl.dot(ones, v('-')))*dS)
local_val = dfx.fem.form(ufl.dot(ones, ufl.TestFunction(V))*ds)
local_vec = dfx.fem.assemble_vector(local_val)
# For the dofs that do not lie on the boundary of the mesh the assembled vector has value zero.
# Extract these dofs and use them to deactivate the corresponding block in the linear system we will solve.
bdry_dofs_zero_val = np.flatnonzero(np.isclose(local_vec.array, 0))
deac_blocks = np.unique(bdry_dofs_zero_val // V.dofmap.bs).astype(np.int32)
# Create sparsity pattern by manipulating the blocks to be deactivated and set
# a zero Dirichlet boundary condition for these dofs.
bilinear_form = dfx.fem.form(a, jit_options=jit_options,
pattern = dfx.fem.create_sparsity_pattern(bilinear_form)
u_0 = dfx.fem.Function(V)
bc_deac = dfx.fem.dirichletbc(u_0, deac_blocks)
# Create the matrix
A = dfx.cpp.la.petsc.create_matrix(comm, pattern)
# Assemble the matrix with all entries
form_coeffs = dfx.cpp.fem.pack_coefficients(bilinear_form._cpp_object)
form_consts = dfx.cpp.fem.pack_constants(bilinear_form._cpp_object)
dfx.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(A, bilinear_form, constants=form_consts, coeffs=form_coeffs, bcs=[bc_deac])
# Insert the diagonal with the deactivated blocks.
if bilinear_form.function_spaces[0] is bilinear_form.function_spaces[1]:
dfx.cpp.fem.petsc.insert_diagonal(A=A, V=bilinear_form.function_spaces[0], bcs=[bc_deac._cpp_object], diagonal=1.0)
# Assemble the linear form and the right-hand side vector.
linear_form = dfx.fem.form(L, jit_options=jit_options,
b = dfx.fem.petsc.assemble_vector(linear_form)
# Apply lifting to the right-hand side vector and set boundary conditions.
dfx.fem.petsc.apply_lifting(b, [bilinear_form], [[bc_deac]])
b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
dfx.fem.petsc.set_bc(b, [bc_deac])
# Setup a linear solver using the Conjugate Gradient method.
solver = PETSc.KSP().create(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
solver.rtol = 1e-8
# Solve the linear system and perform ghost update.
nh = dfx.fem.Function(V) # Function for the facet vector approximation
solver.solve(b, nh.vector)
nh.vector.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD)
# Normalize the vectors to get the unit facet normal/tangent vector.
nh_norm = ufl.sqrt(ufl.inner(nh, nh)) # Norm of facet vector
cond_norm = ufl.conditional(ufl.gt(nh_norm, 1e-10), nh_norm, 1.0) # Avoid division by zero
if V.mesh.geometry.dim == 1:
nh_norm_vec = ufl.as_vector((nh[0]/cond_norm))
elif V.mesh.geometry.dim == 2:
nh_norm_vec = ufl.as_vector((nh[0]/cond_norm, nh[1]/cond_norm))
elif V.mesh.geometry.dim == 3:
nh_norm_vec = ufl.as_vector((nh[0]/cond_norm, nh[1]/cond_norm, nh[2]/cond_norm))
nh_normalized = dfx.fem.Expression(nh_norm_vec, V.element.interpolation_points())
n_out = dfx.fem.Function(V)
return n_out
mesh.topology.create_connectivity(mesh.topology.dim-1, mesh.topology.dim)
# Create an array facet_marker which contains the facet marker value for all facets in the mesh.
facet_dim = mesh.topology.dim-1 # Topological dimension of facets
num_facets = mesh.topology.index_map(facet_dim).size_local + mesh.topology.index_map(facet_dim).num_ghosts # Total number of facets in mesh
facet_marker = np.full(num_facets, DEFAULT, dtype=np.int32) # Default facet marker value is 2
# Find the subset of facets to be marked.
boundary_facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(
mesh, 1, lambda x: np.full(x.shape[1], True, dtype=bool)) # Boundary mesh afcets
facets_ids = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities(
mesh, 1, lambda x: np.full(x.shape[1], True, dtype=bool)) # total mesh facets
facets_int=np.setdiff1d(facets_ids,boundary_facets ) #Interior mesh facets
# subset_facets = dfx.mesh.locate_entities(mesh, facet_dim, locator) # Get subset of facets to be marked
facet_marker[facets_int] = SUBSET # Fill facet marker array with the value SUBSET
facet_tags = dfx.mesh.meshtags(mesh, facet_dim, np.arange(num_facets, dtype=np.int32), facet_marker) # Create facet meshtags
ft_id = SUBSET # Set the meshtags id for which we will approximate the facet vectors
# Create a DG1 space for the facet vectors to be approximated.
DG1 = basix.ufl.element(family="Lagrange", cell=mesh.basix_cell(), degree=1, discontinuous=True, shape=(mesh.geometry.dim,))
space = dfx.fem.functionspace(mesh=mesh, element=DG1)
# Computed facet vector approximation.
nn= facet_vector_approximation(V=space, mt=facet_tags, mt_id=ft_id, interior=True, tangent=False)
############COPIED CODE ENDS ###########################
# Define variational problem
u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(msh)
f = 4.0 * pi**4 * sin(pi * x[0]) * sin(pi * x[1])
a_FacetNormal = (
inner(div(grad(u)), div(grad(v))) * dx
- inner(avg(div(grad(u))), jump(grad(v), n)) * dS
- inner(jump(grad(u), n), avg(div(grad(v)))) * dS
+ alpha / h_avg * inner(jump(grad(u), n), jump(grad(v), n)) * dS
a_Created_FacetNormal = (
inner(div(grad(u)), div(grad(v))) * dx
- inner(avg(div(grad(u))), jump(grad(v), nn)) * dS
- inner(jump(grad(u), nn), avg(div(grad(v)))) * dS
+ alpha / h_avg * inner(jump(grad(u), nn), jump(grad(v), nn)) * dS
L = inner(f, v) * dx
problem_1 = LinearProblem(a_FacetNormal, L, bcs=[bc], petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu"})
uh_1 = problem_1.solve()
print('Biharmonic Sol: Using n=FacetNormal(msh)\n')
problem_2 = LinearProblem(a_Created_FacetNormal, L, bcs=[bc], petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu"})
uh_2 = problem_2.solve()
print('\n Biharmonic Sol: Using nn=facet normal approximation \n')
I apologize for length of problem, but majority of code is taken directly from facet vector approx.