Fenics on server


I have installed docker on the server but my cd Desktop and shared all are empty.
Can you please suggest something?

You need to mount volumes to share data between a docker container and your local system, see: Use volumes | Docker Documentation

"docker run -d \

–name devtest
–mount source=myvol2,target=/app
for this command I am getting the error as
unknown flag: --mount
Can you please suggest what can be done?

Now it is giving the error as
“unknown shorthand flag: ‘d’ in -d”

See: containers - Docker Unknown flag --mount - Stack Overflow

Sir, I have already visited this. It didn’t help

Sir, I have run these commands but the shared file is still empty.

cd ~/demo/python/documented/poisson

python3 demo_poisson.py

fenics@8204a0961c39:~$ ls

WELCOME demo fenics.env.conf local shared

fenics@8204a0961c39:~$ cd shared

fenics@8204a0961c39:~/shared$ ls


It shows nothing

You need to show the full docker run ... command you are using, as this will explain what you are sharing or not.

docker run -ti Quay

FEniCS stable version image

Welcome to FEniCS/stable!

This image provides a full-featured and optimized build of the stable

release of FEniCS.

To help you get started this image contains a number of demo

programs. Explore the demos by entering the ‘demo’ directory, for


cd ~/demo/python/documented/poisson

python3 demo_poisson.py

fenics@8204a0961c39:~$ ls

WELCOME demo fenics.env.conf local shared

fenics@8204a0961c39:~$ cd shared

fenics@8204a0961c39:~/shared$ ls


docker run -ti Quay

You need to at least add -v, i.e.: docker run -ti -v /path/you/would/like/to/share:/fenics/shared quay.io/fenicsproject/stable:latest

docker run -ti -v /root:/fenics/shared Quay

FEniCS stable version image

Welcome to FEniCS/stable!

This image provides a full-featured and optimized build of the stable

release of FEniCS.

To help you get started this image contains a number of demo

programs. Explore the demos by entering the ‘demo’ directory, for


cd ~/demo/python/documented/poisson

python3 demo_poisson.py

fenics@bae661e3d81b:~$ ls

WELCOME demo fenics.env.conf local shared

fenics@bae661e3d81b:~$ cd shared

fenics@bae661e3d81b:~/shared$ ls


root@localhost:~# ls
BDF1-1D-FEM.ipynb docker-desktop-4.12.0-amd64.deb
BDF1-1D-FEM.py docker-runc
BDF2-2D-Check-Freefem.ipynb get-docker.sh
Desktop intel
anaconda-ks.cfg l_HPCKit_p_2022.2.0.191_offline
backup.tar l_HPCKit_p_2022.2.0.191_offline.sh

Sir, this is .py file I want in that shared list

Please do echo $PWD at this location. This is what you should add as the volume to mount, see for instance:

root@localhost:~# ls
BDF1-1D-FEM.ipynb            docker-desktop-4.12.0-amd64.deb
BDF1-1D-FEM.py               docker-runc
BDF2-2D-Check-Freefem.ipynb  get-docker.sh
Desktop                      intel
anaconda-ks.cfg              l_HPCKit_p_2022.2.0.191_offline
backup.tar                   l_HPCKit_p_2022.2.0.191_offline.sh
root@localhost:~# echo $PWD
root@localhost:~# docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -w /home/fenics/shared quay.io/fenicsproject/stable
# FEniCS stable version image

Welcome to FEniCS/stable!

This image provides a full-featured and optimized build of the stable
release of FEniCS.

To help you get started this image contains a number of demo
programs. Explore the demos by entering the 'demo' directory, for

    cd ~/demo/python/documented/poisson
    python3 demo_poisson.py
fenics@c062bf65c7b9:~/shared$ ls
ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied

Still not running

You are getting another error message, which is related with the fact that you are trying to share the path/root/ on your system.

I would suggest sharing a sub folder, like

docker run -ti --rm -v /root/Desktop:/home/fenics/shared -w /home/fenics/shared quay.io/fenicsproject/stable
# FEniCS stable version image

Welcome to FEniCS/stable!

This image provides a full-featured and optimized build of the stable
release of FEniCS.

To help you get started this image contains a number of demo
programs. Explore the demos by entering the 'demo' directory, for

    cd ~/demo/python/documented/poisson
    python3 demo_poisson.py
fenics@a279c98c6610:~/shared$ ls