Fenicsx 0.8 Installation Issues

hello everyone, I’m encountering an issue with installing FEniCSx 0.8 on my system and would appreciate any assistance. I’m trying to install FEniCS using step given at the site:https://fenicsproject.org/download/, but I’m running into the following issue:

1. conda install -c conda-forge fenics-dolfinx mpich pyvista

  • conda-forge
  • defaults
    Platform: win-64
    Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: failed

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • mpich
  • fenics-dolfinx

Current channels:

So as far as I can tell from the output above, you are on a windows system?
Is that correct?
If so, you either need to:

  1. Use WSL and conda within WSL
  2. Use the experimental dolfinx windows package (without petsc): GitHub - FEniCS/dolfinx: Next generation FEniCS problem solving environment

Windows conda packages are currently in beta testing and can be installed > using:

conda create -n fenicsx-env
conda activate fenicsx-env
conda install -c minrk/label/fenics-windows -c conda-forge fenics-> dolfinx=0.9.0.dev

there is issue with compatibility when I run the demo of solved example of Fenics project , So how I resolve that

What example? Please post a link to the code you are running.

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As stated in other similar posts, you are looking at code for legacy fenics, not DOLFINx.
Ref: Issue Related to ufl - #6 by dokken