Fluid Structure Interaction: MixedFunctionSpace

I am trying to run a code of Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) from the book ‘Computational Reality: Solving Nonlinear and Coupled Problems in Continuum Mechanics’ by Bilen Emek Abali (page 105). But it the code is not working. Maybe because it is an old version of Fenics.

I got the following message:

<ipython-input-21-5bae6f6c5e2c> in f_solve(w, v0_f)
    115     mu_f         = 1001.6e-12 # in N s / mm^2
    116     lam_f        = 1.0e-2     # in N s / mm^2
--> 117     bc1          = DirichletBC(SV_f_space.sub(0), Constant(0.1), facets_f, 1)
    118     bc2          = DirichletBC(SV_f_space.sub(1), w, facets_f, 2)
    119     bc_f         = [bc1,bc2]

AttributeError: 'MixedFunctionSpace' object has no attribute 'sub'

The code is below. I don’t know how to fix it.

from fenics import *
from ufl import indices
parameters["allow_extrapolation"] = True

xlength = 10.0 # mm
ylength = 150.0
mesh    = RectangleMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(31*xlength, 1.5*ylength), 31*2, 15*2)
Dim     = mesh.topology().dim()

structure      = CompiledSubDomain('x[0] >= 15.0*xl && x[0] <= 16.0*xl && x[1] <= yl', \
                 xl = xlength, yl = ylength)
interaction    = CompiledSubDomain('(near(x[0], 15.0*xl) && x[1] <= yl) || (near(x[0],16.0*xl) && x[1] <= yl) || (x[0] >= 15.0*xl && x[0] <= 16.0*xl && near(x[1],yl))', \
                 xl = xlength, yl = ylength)
bottom         = CompiledSubDomain('near(x[1],0.0)')
boundaries_all = CompiledSubDomain('on_boundary')
sub_domains    = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, Dim, 0)
structure.mark(sub_domains, 1)
mesh_f         = SubMesh(mesh, sub_domains, 0)
mesh_s         = SubMesh(mesh, sub_domains, 1)

# facets for solid: 0 for interior, 1 on bottom, 2 on interaction
facets_s       = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh_s, Dim-1, 0)

# facets for fluid: 0 for interior, 1 on boundary, 2 on interaction
facets_f       = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh_f, Dim-1, 0)

cells_s       = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh_s, Dim, 0)
cells_f       = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh_f, Dim, 0)

dA            = Measure('ds', domain = mesh_s, subdomain_data= facets_s)
dV            = Measure('dx', domain = mesh_s, subdomain_data= cells_s)
da            = Measure('ds', domain = mesh_f, subdomain_data= facets_f)
dv            = Measure('dx', domain = mesh_f, subdomain_data= cells_f)

N             = FacetNormal(mesh_s)
n             = FacetNormal(mesh_f)

S_s_space     = FunctionSpace(mesh_s, 'P', 1)
V_s_space     = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_s, 'P', 1)
T_s_space     = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh_s, 'P', 1)

S_f_space     = FunctionSpace(mesh_f, 'P', 1)
V_f_space     = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh_f, 'P', 1)
T_f_space     = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh_f, 'P', 1)
SV_f_space    = MixedFunctionSpace(S_f_space, V_f_space)

t             = 0.0 
dt            = 0.01
t_end         = 5.0

file_u_s      = File('u_s.pvd')
file_v_f      = File('v_f.pvd')
file_p_f      = File('p.pvd')

u_s_          = Function(V_s_space, name= 'u')
v_f_          = Function(V_f_space, name= 'v')
p_f_          = Function(S_f_space, name= 'p')

i, j, k, l, m = indices(5)
delta         = Identity(Dim)
f             = Constant((0.0,0.0))

def s_solve(u0,u00,sigma_f,t):
    rho_s   = 8.3e-9 # tonne/mm^3
    nu_s    = 0.3
    E_s     = 200e3 # in MPa
    mu_s    = E_s/(2.*(1.+nu_s))
    lam_s   = 2.*mu_s*nu_s/(1. - 2.*nu_s)
    sigma_s = project(sigma_f, T_s_space, solver_type='mumps',\
              form_compiler_parameters={'cpp_optimize': True, \
              'representation': 'quadrature',\
              'quadrature_degree': 2})

    displ_s_bottom = Expression(('A*sin(2.*pi*nu*t)', '0.0'), A= 0.50, nu=10., t=t, degree = 1)
    bc_s           = [DirichletBC(V_s_space, displ_s_bottom, facets_s, 1)]
    u_s            = Function(V_s_space)
    del_u          = TestFunction(V_s_space)
    du             = TrialFunction(V_s_space)

    F_s            = as_tensor( u_s[k].dx(i) + delta[k,i], (k,i))
    J_s            = det(F_s)
    C_s            = as_tensor( F_s[k,i]*F_s[k,j], (i,j))
    E_s            = as_tensor( 1./2.*(C_s[i,j]-delta[i,j]), (i,j))
    S_s            = as_tensor( lam_s*E_s[k,k]*delta[i,j] + \
                     2.*mu_s*E_s[i,j], (i,j))
    P_s            = as_tensor( F_s[i,j]*S_s[k,j], (k,i))
    t_hat          = as_tensor( J_s*inv(F_s)[k,j]*sigma_s[j,i]*N[k], (i,))
    Form_s         = (rho_s*(u_s-2.*u0_s+u00_s)[i]/(dt*dt)*del_u[i] \
                     + P_s[k,i]*del_u[i].dx(k) - rho_s*f[i]*del_u[i])*dV \
                     - t_hat[i]*del_u[i]*dA(2)
    Gain_s         = derivative(Form_s, u_s, du)

    solve(Form_s==0, u_s, bc_s, J= Gain_s) #  solver_parametrers={"newton_solver": {"linear_solver": 'mumps', 'relative_tolerance': 1e-3}}, form_compiler_parameters={'cpp_optimize': True, 'representation': 'quadrature','quadrature_degree':2})

    v_s            = project( (u_s - u0_s)/dt, V_s_space, solver_type= 'mumps', form_compiler_parameters={'cpp_optimize': True, 'representation': 'quadrature', 'quadratue_degree':2})

    return u_s, v_s

def m_solve(v_s):
    # artificial viscosity
    a      = 1.0e-11 # MPa/s
    del_w  = TestFunction(V_f_space)
    w      = Function(V_f_space)
    dw     = TrialFunction(V_f_space)
    bc_m   = [DirichletBC(V_f_space, v_s, facets_f, 2)]

    Form_m = a*sym(grad(w))[i,j]*del_w[i].dx(j)*dv
    Gain_m = derivative(Form_m, w, dw)

    solve(Form_m==0, w, bc_m, J= Gain_m) # solver_parametrers={"newton_solver": {"linear_solver": 'mumps', 'relative_tolerance': 1e-3}}, form_compiler_parameters={'cpp_optimize': True, 'representation': 'quadrature', 'quadrature_degree':2})
    return w

def f_solve(w,v0_f):
    rho_f        = 998.21e-12 # in tonne/mm^3
    mu_f         = 1001.6e-12 # in N s / mm^2
    lam_f        = 1.0e-2     # in N s / mm^2 
    bc1          = DirichletBC(SV_f_space.sub(0), Constant(0.1), facets_f, 1)
    bc2          = DirichletBC(SV_f_space.sub(1), w, facets_f, 2)
    bc_f         = [bc1,bc2]

    u_f          = Function(SV_f_space)
    u0_f         = Function(SV_f_space)
    del_u_f      = TestFunction(SV_f_space)
    du_f         = TrialFunction(SV_f_space)

    p, v_f       = split(u_f)
    del_p, del_v = split(del_u_f)

    tau_f        = as_tensor(lam_f*v_f[k].dx(k)*delta[i,j] \
                            + mu_f*sym(grad(v_f))[i,j], (i,j))

    Form_f_p     = (v_f[i].dx(i)*del_p + w[i].dx(i)*del_p \
                   - (v_f-w)[i]*del_p.dx(i))*dv + (v_f-w)[i]*del_p*n[i]*da(2)
    Form_f_v     = (rho_f*(v_f - v0_f)[i]/dt*del_v[i] \
                   + rho_f*v_f[i].dx(j)*w[j]*del_v[i] + rho_f*v_f[i]*w[k].dx(k)*del_v[i] \
                   + p.dx(i)*del_v[i] - rho_f*v_f[i]*(v_f - w)[j]*del_v[i].dx(j) \
                   + tau_f[j,i]*del_v[i].dx(j) - rho_f*f[i]*del_v[i])*dv \
                   + (rho_f*v_f[i]*(v_f - w)[j] - tau_f[j,i])*del_v[i]*n[j]*da(1)

    Form_f       = Form_f_p + Form_f_v
    Gain_f       = derivative(Form_f, u_f, du_f)

    solve(Form_f==0, u_f, bc_f, J= Gain_f) # solver_parametrers={"newton_solver": {"linear_solver": 'mumps', 'relative_tolerance': 1e-3}}, form_compiler_parameters={'cpp_optimize': True, 'representation': 'quadrature', 'quadrature_degree':2})

    p, v_f      = u_f.split(deepcopy=True)
    sigma_f     = project(-p*delta + tau_f, T_f_space, solver_type = 'mumps', \
                         form_compiler_parameters={'cpp_optimize': True, \
                         'representation': 'quadrature', 'quadrature_degree': 2})
    return p, v_f, sigma_f

u0_s    = Function(V_s_space)
u00_s   = Function(V_s_space)
sigma_f = Function(T_f_space)
v0_f    = Function(V_f_space)

while t < t_end:
    t += dt
    print('time:', t)
    for ii in range(3):
        u_s, v_s        = s_solve(u0_s, u00_s, sigma_f, t)
        w               = m_solve(v_s)
        p, v_f, sigma_f = f_solve(w, v0_f)

    for x in mesh_f.coordinates(): x[:] += dt*w(x)[:]
    file_u_s << (u_s_, t)
    file_v_f << (v_f_, t)
    file_p_f << (p_f_, t)

Please use markdown syntax to wrap code, i.e.

def f(x):
    return x

This ensures proper indentation, readability and formatting

Sorry. I corrected it.


It seems like ‘MixedFunctionSpace’ is deprecated. Look at here


Hi @Eder,

Actually you might still be able to use ‘MixedFucntionSpace’, but I assume you need to input ‘FunctionSpace’ only.
In your cases, you are using’VectorSpace’, which might be causing the problem (?)