Fluid Structure Interaction

Hello everybody.

I have already developed two codes in 3D, one to simulate the NS flow on an imported mesh and the other solves the elasticity equation as per demo. Both works good. My problem is how to pair these two algorithms to create an FSI simulation on imported mesh.

Thanks for the help

See for instance:


Also @kamensky’s lecture notes.


If you want to reuse your already existing solvers you could also go for a partitioned or staggered approach (Chapter 9 in @kamensky’s lecture notes), see FEniCS–preCICE: Coupling FEniCS to other simulation software - ScienceDirect. However, if both solvers are in FEniCS, a monolithic approach might be the more performant solution.

Checkout this Immersed boundary FSI solver vanDANA, which I have recently developed. It uses the delta functions to interpolate between the fluid and solid. The interpolation is slow but it works accurately.

As of now the code is set up for the classical turek benchmark - FSI2. I will add the documentation on how to modify the parameters, soon. Feel free to suggest improvements :slight_smile: .

Hi Sir,
How to install the vanDANA? There are no instructions on the github page.

There seem to be some instructions at GitHub - patelte8/vanDANA: Immersed boundary - Fluid Structure Interaction solver with heat transfer, although you may not want to use singularity.

Furthermore, please note that you are replying to a message dated more than 2 years, and that @patelte6 was last seen on this forum in January. You may be better of opening an issue in their repository Issues · patelte8/vanDANA · GitHub

Hi @meraj and @francesco-ballarin, At present, installation for vanDANA is using singularity build. The recipe file can found in vanDANA/src/fenics_2019_dev at IB-FSI_v1.2 · patelte8/vanDANA · GitHub. It is the latest dev build of Legacy fenics 2019.2.0. Instructions to use vanDANA are provided in the documentation section of the Github page.
