Generalized alpha method in nonlinear dynamic problem

I am trying to do an impact analysis on a plate for a nonlinear material based on Elastodynamics_Tutorial and Transient_heat_equation_using_mgis_fenics. I am using generalized alpha method based on the elastodynamics tutorial. The simulation runs without any issues for t>1s for cyclic loading cases, so the implementation seems to be right.

Since the simulation time for impact analysis is roughly 1e-3s, the size of the time increment is of the order 1e-4s~1e-5s. The following image shows the equation to compute the acceleration

Since my time increment is very small, the acceleration tends to be a large value because of the dt^2 term in the denominator.

Ideally, an explicit time integration should be used for dynamic analyses but I am using an implicit method since I use mgis_fenics which uses a NewtonSolver.

Is there a way to avoid the large accelerations using the same implicit scheme?

Please find the parts related to the dynamic implementation below:

def m(self, u, u_):
        return self.rho*inner(u, u_)*self.problem.dx

def k(self, u_):
    return (sum([inner(g.variation(u_), f.function) for (f, g) in zip(self.problem.fluxes.values(), self.problem.gradients.values())])*self.problem.dx)

def c(self, u, u_):
    return self.eta_m*self.m(u, u_) + self.eta_k*self.k(u_)

def Wext(self, u_):
    return self.loading*dot(self.n, u_)*self.ds(self.right_edge)

def update_a(self, u, u_old, v_old, a_old, ufl=True):
    if ufl:
        dt_ = self.dt
        beta_ = self.beta
        dt_ = float(self.dt)
        beta_ = float(self.beta)
    return (u-u_old-dt_*v_old)/beta_/dt_**2 - (1-2*beta_)/2/beta_*a_old
def update_v(self, a, u_old, v_old, a_old, ufl=True):
    if ufl:
        dt_ = self.dt
        gamma_ = self.gamma
        dt_ = float(self.dt)
        gamma_ = float(self.gamma)
    return v_old + dt_*((1-gamma_)*a_old + gamma_*a)
def update_fields(self, u, u_old, v_old, a_old):
    u_vec, u0_vec = u.vector(), u_old.vector()
    v0_vec, a0_vec = v_old.vector(), a_old.vector()
    a_vec = self.update_a(u_vec, u0_vec, v0_vec, a0_vec, ufl=False)
    v_vec = self.update_v(a_vec, u0_vec, v0_vec, a0_vec, ufl=False)
    print(v_vec.get_local(), a_vec.get_local())
    v_old.vector()[:], a_old.vector()[:] = v_vec, a_vec
    u_old.vector()[:] = u.vector()
def avg(self, x_old, x_new, alpha):
    return alpha*x_old + (1-alpha)*x_new

def compute_residual(self):
    a_new = self.update_a(self.du, self.u_old, self.v_old, self.a_old, ufl=True)
    v_new = self.update_v(a_new, self.u_old, self.v_old, self.a_old, ufl=True)
    print("Residual", v_new, "\n", a_new)
    residual = self.m(self.avg(self.a_old, a_new, self.alpha_m), self.u_) + self.c(self.avg(self.v_old, v_new, self.alpha_f), self.u_) \
                + self.k(self.u_)
    if not self.disp_load:
        residual -= self.Wext(self.u_)
    return residual

Large accelerations should not be a problem as long as the code is working fine. Accelerations are usually higher in high-speed impact problems. It should not matter if the scheme is implicit or explicit (ignoring the computational time).

Yes, you are right. I was getting unrealistic accelerations in my simulation and thought it was something to do with the implicit scheme since this is the first time I’m working with it in FEniCS. I tried the same problem setup for a linear elastic case and it was working fine. Looks like the issue lies somewhere else in the problem. Thank you for your help @chennachaos!

I’m not sure if it’s still relevant, but dividing in small numbers can cause numerical issues. You can avoid it by using the acceleration formulation of the G-\alpha method instead of the displacements one (i.e. use the acceleration as the primal unknown and update the displacement from the acceleration).


thank you for the suggestion. As I mentioned earlier, the issue seems to be not related to the implicit scheme used. I am able to run a dynamic simulation for a linear elastic material with very small increments and the results are as expected.