I am trying to manually assemble a boundary integral. I am unsure about the steps I should follow.
- Should I generate a quadrature on the facet element or directly on the cell?
- Should I tabulate the basis functions of the facet element or the cell’s? I think that for simple elements these two approaches are equivalent.
Let me know if a MWE is necessary.
How it is done internally in FEniCSx:
- Get quadrature points on the reference facet
- Push quadrature points forward to each facet of the reference cell
- Tabulate on those facets.
I’ve for instance shown how to push forward any point in a cell in:
which you can use to map points from a reference facet to that of the reference element (or you could check ffcx: ffcx/ffcx/element_interface.py at 2ad24229c91e2a058ffb9f8bc5f4b9cf81f04ee5 · FEniCS/ffcx · GitHub)
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