Hey there fellow friends,
i would like to make a little tool, so that i can calculate the displacements of nodes in a 2D truss system. It is working alright, but now i would like the elements of my system to have different Youngs Moduli. The mesh im using only has 6 elements so it’s not particularly complex. So far this is my code:
import numpy as np
from dolfin import *
E = 1000
nu = 0.25 # Poisson's ratio
mu = E/(2*(1+nu)) # 2. Lame's parameter
lmbda = Constant((E*nu)/((1+nu)*(1-2*nu))) # 1. Lame's parameter
mesh = "files/mesh/truss.xml"
mesh = Mesh(mesh)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
def cb1(x, on_boundary):
return near(x[1], -2.0, 0.1)
bc1 = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), cb1)
dx = Measure("dx")
def sigma(u, E):
d = u.geometric_dimension()
I = Identity(d)
return lmbda * tr(epsilon(u)) * I + 2 * mu * epsilon(u)
def epsilon(z):
return 0.5 * (nabla_grad(z) + nabla_grad(z).T)
du = TrialFunction(V)
U = Function(V)
u = U.vector()
v = TestFunction(V)
d = U.geometric_dimension()
I = Identity(d)
E = 700
f = Constant((0, 0))
a = inner(sigma(du, E), epsilon(v)) * dx
L = inner(f, v) * dx
K, f_vec = assemble_system(a, L, bc1)
f_vec[4] = 400
f_vec[5] = -400
solve(K, u, f_vec)
u = np.array(u)
I think i have to get some kind of loop going somewhere in:
a = inner(sigma(du, E), epsilon(v)) * dx
but maybe some of you guys have some experience with this.
Thanks for the help and best regards!