Help with parallel processing of a viscoelastic stokes flow system


I’m currently working on solving a viscoelastic Stokes flow simulation within Fenics and I’ve reached the point where serial computing just isn’t cutting it anymore, I’d like to go parallel.

I’ve done some reading around the area and understand how to use the mpi command, but it seems to be hard to find any increase in computation speed when running with it. My code is as follows:

from fenics import *
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm  
import time

start_time = time.time()

parameters["std_out_all_processes"] = False;
#parameters['krylov_solver']['nonzero_initial_guess'] = True
parameters['ghost_mode'] = 'shared_facet' 

T = 0.25
num_steps = 25
dt = T / num_steps 
t_domain = np.linspace(0,T,num_steps)

beta = 0.59
We = 0.1
theta = 1-beta
mesh = Mesh('Meshes/wedge5.xml')

def epsilon(a):
    return sym(nabla_grad(a))

def trans(a):
    return a.T

def magnitude(vec):
    return sqrt(vec**2)

def flux(ui, ni, taui):
    return (dot(ui,ni)*taui + abs(dot(ui,ni))*taui)/2

def drag_func(p, u, tau, mesh):

    n = FacetNormal(mesh)

    force_x = (-p+tau[0,0]+2*beta*u[0].dx(0))*n[0]

    force_y = (tau[1,0]+beta*(u[0].dx(1)+u[1].dx(0)))*n[1]

    drag_coeff = -assemble(2*(force_x+force_y)*ds_circle)


P = FiniteElement('CG', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
V = VectorElement('CG', mesh.ufl_cell(), 2)
S = TensorElement('DG', mesh.ufl_cell(), 0)
D = TensorElement('DG', mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)

Pr = FunctionSpace(mesh, P)
Ve = FunctionSpace(mesh, V)
St = FunctionSpace(mesh, S)
De = FunctionSpace(mesh, D)

stokes = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([V,P,D]))

class Inflow(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and near(x[0], -20) #Left side of the channel

class Top_Wall(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and near(x[1], 2) #Top and bottom of the channel

class Bottom_Wall(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and near(x[1], 0) #Top and bottom of the channel

class Outflow(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and near(x[0], 20) #Right side of the channel

class Wedge(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and (between(x[0], (-1,1)) and between(x[1], (0,1))) #Cylinder

subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)

inflow = Inflow()
inflow.mark(subdomains, 1)

top_wall = Top_Wall()
top_wall.mark(subdomains, 2)

bottom_wall = Bottom_Wall()
bottom_wall.mark(subdomains, 3)

outflow = Outflow()
outflow.mark(subdomains, 4)

wedge = Wedge()
wedge.mark(subdomains, 5)

vel_inflow = Expression(('1.5*(1-(x[1]*x[1]/4))','0'),degree=2)

str_inflow = Expression((('2*We*(1-beta)*(9/16)*x[1]*x[1]','-3/4*(1-beta)*x[1]') \
                        , ('-3/4*(1-beta)*x[1]','0')),degree=2, We=We, beta=beta)

stress_inflow_0 = DirichletBC(St, str_inflow, subdomains, 1) 

velocity_inflow_1 = DirichletBC(stokes.sub(0), vel_inflow, subdomains, 1)

noslip_top_1 = DirichletBC(stokes.sub(0), vel_inflow, subdomains, 2)

symmetry_1 = DirichletBC(stokes.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0), subdomains, 3)

outflow_condition_1 = DirichletBC(stokes.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0), subdomains, 4)
outflow_pressure_1 = DirichletBC(stokes.sub(1), Constant(0), subdomains, 4)

noslip_wedge_1 = DirichletBC(stokes.sub(0), Constant((0,0)), subdomains, 5)

bcst = [stress_inflow_0]

bcup = [velocity_inflow_1, 

ds_circle = Measure("ds", subdomain_data=subdomains, subdomain_id=5)

drag_list = []
new_drag_list = []


tau = TrialFunction(St)
S = TestFunction(St)
tau1 = Function(St)
taus = Function(St)

u, p, G = TrialFunctions(stokes)
v, q, R = TestFunctions(stokes)
w1 = Function(stokes)

ws = Function(stokes)
us, ps, Gs = split(ws)

stress = (We/dt)*inner(tau-taus,S)*dx \
        + inner(taus,S)*dx \
        + We*inner(dot(us,nabla_grad(taus)) \
        - dot(taus,trans(Gs)) \
        - dot(Gs,taus), S)*dx \
        - (1-beta)*inner(Gs+trans(Gs),S)*dx \
        + We*inner(flux(us,nn,taus)('+') - flux(us,nn,taus)('-'),jump(S))*dS \

stokes_system = (beta+theta)*inner(grad(u),grad(v))*dx \
            - p*div(v)*dx + q*div(u)*dx \
            + inner(tau1,grad(v))*dx \
            + inner(G-grad(u),R)*dx \
            - theta*inner(G,grad(v))*dx \

u_residual = TrialFunction(Ve)
v_residual = TestFunction(Ve)

p_residual = TrialFunction(Pr)
q_residual = TestFunction(Pr)

tau_residual = TrialFunction(St)
S_residual = TestFunction(St)

tau_err = Function(St)
u_err = Function(Ve)
p_err = Function(Pr)

t = 0

for n in tqdm(range(num_steps)): 

    stress_l = assemble(lhs(stress))
    [bc.apply(stress_l) for bc in bcst] 

    stress_r = assemble(rhs(stress)) 
    [bc.apply(stress_r) for bc in bcst]

    solve(stress_l, tau1.vector(), stress_r, 'gmres')

    stokes_l = assemble(lhs(stokes_system))
    [bc.apply(stokes_l) for bc in bcup]

    stokes_r = assemble(rhs(stokes_system))
    [bc.apply(stokes_r) for bc in bcup]

    solve(stokes_l, w1.vector(), stokes_r)

    u1, p1, G1 = split(w1)

    drag_func(p1, u1, tau1, mesh)


drag = np.array(drag_list) 
print('T: ', T)
print('No. steps: ', num_steps)
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) 

Could anyone point me in the right direction as to where I’m going wrong with mpi, or to some examples that show considerable speed increase when run with it? I’ve tried numerous dolfin demos but very few show a difference when compared to a serial run.


(Apologies about the previous deleted posts, I messed up the markdown :P)

1 Like

You should use an iterative solver for solving your problem. The default solver used in dolfin is an LU solver, that does not scale well with number of dofs or in parallel.
See for instance:


Hi dokken,

Thanks for your response. I found that to solve the problem I was having was to change the following environment variable:


Now my code runs much faster. On the topic of linear solvers, I’ve settled on using bicgstab for my stress system but I can’t seem to get an iterative solver working for my Stokes system. When implemented, solvers like minres reduce computation time drastically but I get very inaccurate results. Is there anything you can suggest to remedy this?


Have you had a look at: Stokes equations with an iterative solver — DOLFIN documentation