Hi, everybody! I’m doing a thermos-elasticity analysis of an object made up of concentric circles. The inner one has a subdomain marker of 1 and the outer on has a subdomain marker of 2. I have so far completed the heat transfer calculation of the whole object. Now I want to calculate the thermal deformation and thermal stress of subdomain 2. I use the “interpolate” function and the code goes like:
from dolfin import *
from subprocess import call
import os
import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtk.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy
import math
#################### Thermal of whole body #####################
Lmbda1 = 0.2
Lmbda2 = 1.2
call("dolfin-convert whole.msh whole.xml;gzip whole *.xml",shell=True)
mesh = Mesh("whole.xml.gz")
boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "whole_facet_region.xml.gz")
subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "whole_physical_region.xml.gz")
VT = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
dT = TrialFunction(VT)
T_ = TestFunction(VT)
bc = DirichletBC(VT, wall_temp , boundaries, wall_id)
integrals_N = g*T_*ds(heat_wall_id)
ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries)
dx = Measure('dx', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=subdomains)
aT = (inner(Lmbda1*grad(dT), grad(T_))*dx(1)+inner(Lmbda2*grad(dT), grad(T_))*dx(2)
LT = integrals_N
Delta_T = Function(VT, name="Temperature")
solve(aT == LT, Delta_T , bc, solver_parameters={'linear_solver': 'bicgstab','preconditioner': 'hypre_amg'})
#################### elasticity of subdomain 2#####################
E = 11.5e3
nu = 1.5
alpha = 8e-6
call("dolfin-convert subdomain2.msh subdomain2.xml;gzip subdomain2 *.xml",shell=True)
subdomain_mesh = Mesh("subdomain2.xml.gz")
subdomain_boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", subdomain_mesh, "subdomain2_facet_region.xml.gz")
subdomain_subdomains = MeshFunction("size_t", subdomain_mesh, "subdomain2_physical_region.xml.gz")
subdomain_VT = FunctionSpace(subdomain_mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
subdomain_Delta_T = Function(subdomain_VT,name = " subdomain_temperature")
def m_mu(m_E,m_nu):
def m_lmbda(m_E,m_nu):
def eps(v):
return 0.5*(grad(v) + grad(v).T)
def sigma(v, dT,m_E,m_nu,m_alpha):
return (m_lmbda(m_E,m_nu)*tr(eps(v))- m_alpha*(3*m_lmbda(m_E,m_nu)+2*m_mu(m_E,m_nu))*dT)*Identity(3) + 2.0*m_mu(m_E,m_nu)*eps(v)
Vu = VectorFunctionSpace(subdomain_mesh, 'CG', 1)
du = TrialFunction(Vu)
u_ = TestFunction(Vu)
bc = DirichletBC(Vu.sub(2), Constant(0.0), boundaries, bottom_facet_id)
ds = Measure('ds', domain= subdomain_mesh, subdomain_data= subdomain_boundaries)
dx = Measure('dx', domain= subdomain_mesh, subdomain_data= subdomain_subdomains)
Integrals_Wint= inner(sigma(du, subdomain_Delta_T, E, nu, alpha), eps(u_))*dx
aM = lhs(Integrals_Wint)
LM = rhs(Integrals_Wint)
u = Function(Vu, name="Displacement")
solve(aM == LM, u, bc, solver_parameters={'linear_solver': 'mumps'})
pvd_file_u = File("Subdomain_displacement.pvd")
pvd_file_u << u
pvd_file_T = File("Subdomain_temperature.pvd")
pvd_file_T << subdomain_Delta_T
- Is that right to get the displacement of subdomain?
- How to output the result of temperature of subdomain? Cuz here encounters error of the last line, which is:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [12], in <cell line: 143>()
142 pvd_file_T = File("Subdomain_temperature.pvd")
--> 143 pvd_file_T << subdomain_Delta_T
File ~/anaconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dolfin/io/__init__.py:21, in __lshift__(self, u)
19 self.write(u[0], u[1])
20 else:
---> 21 self.write(u)
AttributeError: 'Sum' object has no attribute '_cpp_object'