How to create an array of Tensor functions

I have a tensor functional space and a tensor variable:

TensorSpace     = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
sigma  = TrialFunction(VectorSpace)

How can I create an array of this tensor variable, so that I can have 8 different values for sigma and that can be accessed like a NumPy array?

sigma[0]+sigma[1] + ... + sigma[7]


A TensorFunctionSpace can be indexed using two numbers: eg sigma[2,1]. For a 3D mesh, there will be nine values, each index going from 0 to 2 (inclusive).

If you want 8 values that you can address sigma[0] to sigma[7], you can create a VectorFunctionSpace of size 8:

space = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1, 8)
sigma = TrialFunction(space)

(Note: I’m using dolfinx, but I’m pretty certain this also works in older versions)