Hi all,
I’m solving the weak form
for a 3D Neo-Hookean material law.
The Dirichlet boundary conditions are fixed on one side in the y-z plane and on all four sides in the x-y and x-z-plane.
Now comes my question: I only care for the solution in x-direction, and I would like to break the problem down to 1D to speed up the solution. How do I do that correctly?
Thank you for your time!
I’m not quite sure I understand. Would your function not vary in the y and z directions as well?
Well regardless, have you tried creating your mesh as:
number_of_points_in_interval = 10 # Or however many you need.
mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(number_of_points_in_interval)
Then set the boundary condition at one of the domain (whichever corresponds to the end on which you specify a BC on the y-z plane).
Thank you for your reply! My function does not vary in the y and z direction. Basically I have a deformation tensor looking like this:
And the solution is homogeneous in the y-z plane. Still, my material law is defined for tensors. Is it possible to solve this in 1D?