Sorry, I forgot to show my mesh.
It has around 772533 cells, so think that’s why the solver not working.
It’s the same mesh I attached a photo before
> # size of the mesh
> X = 2
> # Y and Z are calculated from X and nx,ny,nz
> # number of cells in each direction
> nx = 2
> ny = 2
> nz = 2
> # angle between the cylinders (degrees)
> theta_y = 45
> theta_z = 45
> theta_y = math.radians(theta_y)
> theta_z = math.radians(theta_z)
> # distance between two cells
> dxis = X/(nx - 1)
> dy = dxis*math.tan(theta_y)/2
> dz = dxis*math.tan(theta_z)/2
> Y = 2*ny*dy
> Z = 2*nz*dz
> # radius of the cylinders
> t = 0.25
> # quality of the mesh
> n_malhas = 40
> # iniciate usefull variables
> pi = math.pi
> # create the standard structure
> base = Point(0,0,0)
> pt1_y = Point(dxis/2,dy,0)
> pt2_y = Point(-dxis/2,dy,0)
> pt1_z = Point(0,dy,dz)
> pt2_z = Point(0,dy,-dz)
> pt2_x = Point(0,2*dy,0)
> cili1_xy = mshr.Cylinder(base,pt1_y,t,t)
> cili2_xy = mshr.Cylinder(base,pt2_y,t,t)
> cili3_xy = mshr.Cylinder(pt1_y,pt2_x,t,t)
> cili4_xy = mshr.Cylinder(pt2_y,pt2_x,t,t)
> cili1_xz = mshr.Cylinder(base,pt1_z,t,t)
> cili2_xz = mshr.Cylinder(base,pt2_z,t,t)
> cili3_xz = mshr.Cylinder(pt1_z,pt2_x,t,t)
> cili4_xz = mshr.Cylinder(pt2_z,pt2_x,t,t)
> cili1_yz = mshr.Cylinder(pt1_y,pt1_z,t,t)
> cili2_yz = mshr.Cylinder(pt1_y,pt2_z,t,t)
> cili3_yz = mshr.Cylinder(pt2_y,pt1_z,t,t)
> cili4_yz = mshr.Cylinder(pt2_y,pt2_z,t,t)
> esfera1 = mshr.Sphere(base,t)
> esfera2 = mshr.Sphere(pt1_y,t)
> esfera3 = mshr.Sphere(pt2_y,t)
> esfera4 = mshr.Sphere(pt1_z,t)
> esfera5 = mshr.Sphere(pt2_z,t)
> esfera6 = mshr.Sphere(pt2_x,t)
> est_padrao = cili1_xy + cili2_xy + cili3_xy + cili4_xy
> est_padrao += cili1_xz + cili2_xz + cili3_xz + cili4_xz
> est_padrao += cili1_yz + cili2_yz + cili3_yz + cili4_yz
> est_padrao += esfera1 + esfera2 + esfera3 + esfera4 + esfera5 + esfera6
> objeto = est_padrao
> # loop in X direction
> for i in range(0,nx):
> x = i*dxis
> pt = Point(x,0,0)
> est = mshr.CSGTranslation(est_padrao,pt)
> if i == 0:
> pass
> else:
> objeto += est
> est_padrao = objeto
> # loop in Y direction
> for j in range(0,ny):
> y = j*2*dy
> pt = Point(0,y,0)
> est = mshr.CSGTranslation(est_padrao,pt)
> if j == 0:
> pass
> else:
> objeto += est
> est_padrao = objeto
> # loop in Z direction
> for k in range(0,nz):
> z = k*2*dz
> pt = Point(0,0,z)
> est = mshr.CSGTranslation(est_padrao,pt)
> if k == 0:
> pass
> else:
> objeto += est
> # generate the mesh
> mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(objeto,n_malhas,'tetgen')
And another question: is there any argument instead of ‘pointwise’ that apply the boundary condition to a plan(XZ in Y = 1, for example)?