Hi everyone, if I have a solution of a heat equation (can be the f04_heat_gaussian.py as example), say
My question is: -Is it possible to use FEniCS to integrate u (x, y, t) over x or y ? How would this be implemented?
I understand that with the assemble it is possible to integrate the entire domain. However, is there another integration command? that would allow me to integrate in just one coordinate?
What I want is to plot functions like
f(y,t)= \int_s u(x,y,t) dx\;\; or \;\;g(x,t)= \int_s u(x,y,t) dy,
where s is some interval of integration.
As an application of this approach, this problem would be interesting for the calculation of the marginal probabilities of Fokker-Planck equations.
Thanks in advance.