How to interpolate a ufl.algebra.Product to a Function

i am working on fenics 2019.1 and I want to know how to interpolate a ufl.algebra.Product to a Function .there is a simple example :

from fenics import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mshr import *

mesh1 = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)

Vh = FunctionSpace(mesh1, "P", 1)
uh = Function(Vh)
a = Constant(1.0)
uh1 = Function(Vh)

aa = Constant(-1.0)*uh

and get this error:

  File "/home/xiaohe/miniconda3/envs/fenicsproject/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dolfin/function/", line 365, in interpolate
AttributeError: 'Product' object has no attribute '_cpp_object

I know a way that use the project Function ,but in my problem the matrix size is big .To reduce the time and memory i want to use the function.interpolate().

Legacy dolfin does not support interpolation of UFL forms. Consider projection, or manipulation of the DoFs in uh if your operation is simple.

See, e.g., regarding interpolation of UFL expressions in dolfinx.