Hi everyone!
I’m new here but I have been using fenics since 2017. Recently I bought a core i9-9900K with 8 cores (16 threads) in order to improve my simulations. I found a very annoying issue that executing the given ft01_poisson.py test problem with UnitSquareMesh(1100, 1100) by
python3 ft01_poisson.py
I found a %CPU usage of about 1000% (all threads are available) but with a total time of 20 seconds. On the other hand, if I hold only one thread (thread with number 0) available for the same code by use the taskset command, that is,
taskset -c 0 python3 ft01_poisson.py
it run with a total time of 15 seconds.
Then I conclude that using only one thread is better than use the full power by make available all threads.
My first question is if you know how to set fenics/python to use only one thread by default?
The worst and main problem happen when I try to parallel my job by using mpirun. For example by separate in two jobs using
mpirun -n 2 python3 ft01_poisson.py
In this case all threads are available for each one of the resulting jobs. It makes simulation very slow. I believe It would be very fast if I had only one thread available for each job instead of all threads available. I don’t know if my problem is clear for you. Each job uses all threads (16) and simulation becomes very slow. Unfortunately I don’t know how to set only one thread available for each job. I tried to fix this issue by use
taskset -c 0,1 mpirun -n 2 python3 ft01_poisson.py
but system ignores taskset and I still have all threads available at the same time for each job.
Thus all my tests using mpirun are very slow even though it is running without errors.
I wondering if someone could help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance,