How to view indices of mesh

I have a tet10 mesh in memory that consists of 7166 nodes and 3807 elements:

domain, markers, facets = io.gmshio.read_from_msh(
        msh_file, MPI.COMM_WORLD)

Info    : Reading '/var/folders/sj/z674v3tj3fb4k0m_qqsj88k00000gn/T/tmp1ptjz_n_.msh'...
Info    : 27 entities
Info    : 7166 nodes
Info    : 3807 elements

And using domain I can easily print out the coordinates of the vertices:

(Pdb) y = domain.geometry.x
(Pdb) y
array([[ 5.00000000e+02, -1.42523081e+00,  1.49143586e+00],
       [ 4.97997323e+02,  6.14979256e-01,  3.01037881e+00],
       [ 5.00000000e+02, -2.97678548e-15,  5.00000000e+00],
       [-4.98861244e+02, -1.90300529e+00,  4.94038209e-01],
       [-5.00000000e+02, -3.59375000e+00, -1.09375000e+00],
       [-5.00000000e+02, -1.80636540e+00, -3.48032070e-01]],
      shape=(7166, 3))

But how do I print out the tet10 elements that I know my mesh is made out of?

(Pdb) oci = domain.topology.original_cell_index
(Pdb) oci
array([3634, 3632, 3637, ...,  595,  618,  605],
      shape=(3807,), dtype=int64)

This seemed promising but it only yields one integer per element, not the 10 integers per element that I’m expecting from my tet10 mesh.

This information must be present somewhere, how do I access it?

See for instance: Renumbered .msh imported data giving wrong subdomains - #4 by dokken