How to write a piecewise function with 3 subdomains?

Dear all,

I know how to write a piecewise function with 2 subdomains in fenics, for example if we want to write this:
q=\begin{cases} 3u+7 & \text{ if } \quad u>2 \\ 5 & \text{ if } \quad u \le 2 \end{cases}
we write:

from dolfin import *

V_u = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
u = Function(V_u, name = "displacement")

q = conditional(gt(u, 2), 3*u+7, 5)

But if we want to write a piecewise function with 3 subdomains in fenics, like this one:
q=\begin{cases} 7u+8 & \text{ if } \quad u>10 \\ 5u^2-4 & \text{ if } \quad 2\le u \le 10 \\ 6 & \text{ if } \quad u<2 \end{cases}
I don’t know how to write it in fenics. Does anyone know how to do it? I appreciate any help. Thank you very much in advance.

Just nest another conditional in the second or third argument of the outer conditional you already have in q.


Got it. Thank you very much.