In the thermal process, the temperature is going to less than the ambient as BC

ّn this code, I am getting the temperature less than ambient. Although the BC implant is seemingly correct. I can’t explain why it happens. can you help me?

import fenics as fe
import numpy as np

def simulation():
    domain_x = 40.
    domain_y = 10.
    domain_z = 6.
    total_t = 3.
    ambient_T = 298.
    rho = 8.e-3
    Cp = 0.5
    k = 0.01
    h = 2e-5
    eta = 0.4
    r = 1.5
    P = 500.
    x0 = 5.
    y0 = 5.
    vel = 10.
    Rboltz = 5.6704e-14
    emiss = 0.3

    finer = False
    if finer:
        ele_size = 0.2
        dt = 5e-3
        ele_size = 0.5
        dt = 1e-2

    EPS = 1e-8
    ts = np.arange(0., total_t + dt, dt)

    # Building mesh, see
    mesh = fe.BoxMesh(fe.Point(0., 0., 0.), fe.Point(domain_x, domain_y, domain_z), 
                      round(domain_x/ele_size), round(domain_y/ele_size), round(domain_z/ele_size))

    # Save mesh to local file, optional, just for inspection
    mesh_file = fe.File(f'data/bareplate/mesh.pvd')
    mesh_file << mesh

    # Define bottom surface 
    class Bottom(fe.SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            # The condition for a point x to be on bottom side is that x[2] < EPS
            return on_boundary and x[2] < EPS

    # Define top surface
    class Top(fe.SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and x[2] > domain_z - EPS

    # Define the other four surfaces
    class SurroundingSurfaces(fe.SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary and (x[0] < EPS or x[0] > domain_x - EPS or x[1] < EPS or x[1] > domain_y - EPS)

    # The following few lines mark different boundaries with different numbers
    # For example, the top surface is marked with the integer number 2
    bottom = Bottom()
    top = Top()
    surrounding_surfaces = SurroundingSurfaces()
    boundaries = fe.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
    bottom.mark(boundaries, 1)
    top.mark(boundaries, 2)
    surrounding_surfaces.mark(boundaries, 3)
    ds = fe.Measure('ds')(subdomain_data=boundaries)

    # Define FEM function space to be first order continuous Galerkin (the most commonly used)
    V = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

    # u_crt is the temperature field we want to solve 
    u_crt = fe.Function(V)

    # u_pre is the temperature from the previous step
    # We initialize u_pre to be a constant field = ambient_T (assign initial values)
    u_pre = fe.interpolate(fe.Constant(ambient_T), V)

    # v is the test function in FEM
    v = fe.TestFunction(V)

    # If theta = 0., we recover implicit Eulear; if theta = 1., we recover explicit Euler; theta = 0.5 seems to be a good choice.
    theta = 0.5
    u_rhs = theta*u_pre + (1 - theta)*u_crt

    # Define Dirichlet boundary conditions for the bottom surface to be always at ambient temperature
    bcs = [fe.DirichletBC(V, fe.Constant(ambient_T), bottom)]

    # Define the laser heat source, note that t is a changeble parameter
    class LaserExpression(fe.UserExpression):
        def __init__(self, t):
            # Construction method of base class has to be called first
            super(LaserExpression, self).__init__()
            self.t = t

        def eval(self, values, x):
            t = self.t
            values[0] = 2*P*eta/(np.pi*r**2) * np.exp(-2*((x[0] - x0 - vel*t)**2 + (x[1] - y0)**2)/r**2)
        def value_shape(self):
            return ()

    q_laser = LaserExpression(None)
    q_convection = h * (u_rhs - ambient_T)
    q_radiation = Rboltz * emiss * (u_rhs**4 - ambient_T**4)

    # For the top surface, we will consider both convection and laser heating
    q_top = q_convection + q_laser + q_radiation
    # For the four side surfaces, we will only consider convection
    q_surr = q_convection + q_radiation

    # Deine the weak form residual
    # For the terms with fe.dx, they are volume integrals
    # Note that ds(2) means that it is a surface integral only computed on surface number 2 (the top surface), which we defined previously!
    residual = rho*Cp/dt*(u_crt - u_pre) * v * fe.dx + k *, fe.grad(v)) * fe.dx \
                - q_top * v * ds(2) - q_surr * v * ds(3)

    # Open a pvd file to store results 
    u_vtk_file = fe.File(f'data/bareplate/u.pvd')

    # Store solution at the 0th step
    u_vtk_file << u_pre
    for i in range(len(ts) - 1):
        print(f"step {i + 1}, time = {ts[i + 1]}")

        # Update the time parameter in laser
        q_laser.t = theta*ts[i] + (1 - theta)*ts[i + 1]

        # Solve the problem at this time step
        solver_parameters = {'newton_solver': {'maximum_iterations': 20, 'linear_solver': 'mumps'}}
        fe.solve(residual == 0, u_crt, bcs, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)

        # After solving, update u_pre so that it is equal to the newly solved u_crt
        if (i+1)%10 == 0:
            # Store solution at this step
            u_vtk_file << u_pre

if __name__ == '__main__':

You have a heat source right? Then typically the temp is no longer bound by the Dirichlet BC. Do you have a specific reason to think otherwise?

You probably expect it to be higher than the BCs, so then maybe some sign in your laser expression or Neumann condition is off.

Yes, I understand. The heat source calculation has negative values, but I haven’t fixed them yet.
To solve that, I changed these lines:

    class LaserExpression(fe.UserExpression):
        def __init__(self, t):
            super(LaserExpression, self).__init__()
            self.t = t

        def eval(self, values, x):
            t = self.t
            # Calculate the base intensity
            base_intensity = 2 * P * eta / (np.pi * r**2)
            # Calculate the exponent term separately 
            exponent = -2 * ((x[0] - x0 - vel * t)**2 + (x[1] - y0)**2) / r**2
            exp = np.exp(exponent)
            laser_intensity = base_intensity * exp
            # Use FEniCS conditional to set negative values to 0
            values[0] = fe.conditional(, 0.0), laser_intensity, 0.0)

        def value_shape(self):
            return ()

But when I print the laser, I also get negative values

I’m not sure if I follow. Are you now asking why the values in your expression are negative?

Taking a closer look at your weak form, it seems that the q-terms in your resisual should have positive signs. The boundary integral in your weak form reads:

\int_S -\kappa \nabla u\cdot n \, v \,dS

And likely, your Neumann BC is formulated as:
-\kappa \nabla u\cdot n = q

I printed explicitly the min and max of Qlaser:

        # Update the time parameter in the laser
        q_laser.t = theta*ts[i] + (1 - theta)*ts[i + 1]
        q_laser_projected = fe.project(q_laser, V)
        max_q = q_laser_projected.vector().max()
        min_q = q_laser_projected.vector().min()
        print(f"Laser max: {max_q}, min: {min_q}")

I get this in the first step:

Laser max: 60.67977950035195, min: -0.0004670935486195676 
Step 1: Min Temperature = 194.01129889221875, Max Temperature = 1034.8569469475397

And I can’t understand why this happened, although I added this line:

values[0] = fe.conditional(, 0.0), laser_intensity, 0.0)

I can’t remove the negative values from q.

Are you projecting the expression onto a FE grid with an L2 projection? Then overshoots and undershoots will occur.

Did you look at my previous post? I think you’re getting wrong solutions because of a sign mistake on the boundary data. If you believe your formulation is correct, could you then write out the math that you’re trying to implement?

Sorry, your formula is correct, but I have multiple negative signs in the laser formula instead of the BC.
I updated my code and removed projecting, and I didn’t get negative values from the laser anymore. However, when I minimize the k, the temperature goes below the BC, and I can’t find why. Apparently, some topic exists to read, and if you have a direct answer, it would be very helpful if you shared it with me.