Fenics Community,
I am trying to replicate an Abaqus User Material in dolfinx (docker v0.5.1-r1) that relates the increment of stress to the increment in strain, i.e.
\sigma{} = \sigma{}_{n} + \frac{\Delta{}\sigma{}}{\Delta{}\varepsilon{}}\delta{}\varepsilon{}
as the solution to
\sigma{}\cdot{}n=0 on \Gamma{}
u=\bar{u} on \Gamma{}^{1}
The problem I am trying to solve involves many time dependent terms but so far I am unable to solve the above set of equations even using only elastic plane strain. The mechanical scenario is a three point flexural bending test subject to displacement controlled loading. I’ve simplified the stiffness tensor \frac{\Delta{}\sigma{}}{\Delta{}\varepsilon{}} to the plane strain Hooke’s law tensor for 2D. Additionally I define \delta{}\varepsilon{} as:
\delta{}\varepsilon{}(\delta{}u)=\frac{1}{2}(\nabla{}\delta{}u+(\nabla{}\delta{}u)^{T}) where \delta{}u=u-u_{n}, u_{n} is the previous displacement and u is the unknown displacement
I believe my issue is that I am not properly assigning \sigma{}_{n} at the end of each timestep as it does not match the solution given when \sigma{} = \frac{\Delta{}\sigma{}}{\Delta{}\varepsilon{}}\varepsilon{}(u) (perhaps something related to the change in function spaces during project()). In the application scenario \sigma{}_{n} evolves nonlinearly due anelastic/viscous material behavior so I can’t fully define \sigma{}_{n} only in terms of the previous displacement u_{n} (it would effectively require knowledge of \sigma{}_{n-1}). Any help on how to better implement the above constraints or corrections to mistakes I’ve overlooked is much appreciated. My attempt at an MWE is below:
from mpi4py import MPI
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, nls, io, cpp, log
import numpy as np
import ufl
import petsc4py.PETSc as pets
# MPI #
commWorld = MPI.COMM_WORLD
thisCore = commWorld.Get_rank()
# Saving #
fullDir = "Outputs/"
# Mesh #
domain = mesh.create_rectangle(commWorld, [[-1,0],[1,1]], [100, 5], ghost_mode=mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet)
tdim = domain.topology.dim
fdim = tdim - 1
domain.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)
f_to_c = domain.topology.connectivity(fdim, tdim)
num_cells = domain.topology.index_map(tdim).size_local + domain.topology.index_map(tdim).num_ghosts
num_facets = domain.topology.index_map(fdim).size_local + domain.topology.index_map(fdim).num_ghosts
# Files #
loadFileName = fullDir + "_LOADDISP.txt"
# Files #
if (thisCore == 0):
loadFile = open(loadFileName,'w')
# Constants #
scalar1 = fem.Constant(domain, pets.ScalarType(1.0))
# Inputs #
_E = 9e9
_nu = 0.0
_mu = _E/(2*(1+_nu))
_lmbda = (_nu*_E)/((1+_nu)*(1-2*_nu))
_coeff = _E/((1+_nu)*(1-2*_nu))
_c11 = _coeff * (1 - _nu)
_c12 = _nu * _coeff
_c33 = 0.5 * (1 - 2*_nu) * _coeff
_Compliance = ufl.as_tensor([[_c11, _c12, 0],
[_c12, _c11, 0],
[0, 0, _c33]])
# Boundary Parameters
tol = 1e-8 # Tolerance for mesh tagging (not for computations) [m]
comprTest = 0
LoadingTol = 0.05 + 1e3 * comprTest
relSupportDistance = 0.1 + 1e3 * comprTest
# Sim Conditions #
deltaLoad = 1.67e-5 # Displacement Rate [m/s]
dt1 = 1 # Starting timestep [s]
totalTime = 7 # Total Sim Time
# FunctionSpaces #
Vs_CG = fem.VectorFunctionSpace(domain, ("CG", 1))
Vs_CG_3 = fem.VectorFunctionSpace(domain, ("CG", 1), dim = 3)
# Functions #
u_k = fem.Function(Vs_CG)
u_k_old = fem.Function(Vs_CG, name="Displacement")
v_k = ufl.TestFunction(Vs_CG)
sigma_old, sigma_old_old = fem.Function(Vs_CG_3), fem.Function(Vs_CG_3)
# Boundary Definitions #
## SubDomain
class SubDomain:
## SubDomain.__init__()
# Default class constructor without args
def __init__(self):
## Unused
def on_boundary(self):
return False
## SubDomain.lor()
# A shorthand for np.logical_or()
# - a,b: logical np arrays
def lor(self, a, b): # Numpy Logical Or
return np.logical_or(a, b)
## SubDomain.land()
# A shorthand for np.logical_and()
# - a,b: logical np arrays
def land(self, a, b): # Numpy logical And
return np.logical_and(a, b)
## SubDomain.inside()
# A placeholder function to be overridden by the class instance.
# Use a combination of SubDomain.lor(), SubDomain.land(), and SubDomain.near() to determine marked facets
# - x: The point coordinates, provided when called by other methods such as SubDomain.mark()
def inside(self, x): # Place Holder
return True
## Unused
def insideBoundary(self, x):
print(f"Inside {self.inside(x).shape}")
return self.land(self.inside(x), self._boundary)
## SubDomain.near()
# Same functionality as dolfin.near()
# Return whether a given value is absolutely close to another point
# - xIn: The point to check
# - val: The reference point
# - atol: The absolute tolerance to be considered "near"
def near(self, xIn, val, atol): # Same functionality as dolfin.near()
return np.isclose(xIn, val, rtol=0, atol=atol)
def assign(self, matProp, value): # Return Numpy array of matching indices
markedArray = mesh.locate_entities(matProp._domain, matProp._dim, self.inside)
matProp.x.array[markedArray] = np.full(len(markedArray), value)
## SubDomain.mark()
# Given a facetFunction, mark appropriate facets with value as determined by SubDomain.inside()
# - facetFunction: The cdfx.FacetFunction to mark
# - value: The value to assign to all facets
def mark(self, facetFunction, value):
if (not(self.on_boundary())):
markedArray = mesh.locate_entities(facetFunction._domain, facetFunction._fdim, self.inside)
self._boundary = np.array(mesh.compute_boundary_facets(facetFunction._domain.topology))
markedArray = mesh.locate_entities(facetFunction._domain, facetFunction._fdim, self.insideBoundary)
facetFunction._markers[markedArray] = value
def DirichletBCs(argList, fs, facetTags):
fdim = fs.mesh.topology.dim - 1
bcs = []
for i in argList:
if 'Dirichlet' in argList[i]:
if isinstance(argList[i]['Dirichlet'], fem.Constant):
value = argList[i]['Dirichlet']
value = fem.Constant(fs.mesh, pets.ScalarType(argList[i]['Dirichlet']))
if 'Direction' in argList[i]:
facets = np.array(facetTags.indices[facetTags.values==argList[i]['Surface']])
left_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(fs.sub(argList[i]['Direction']), fdim, facets)
bcs.append(fem.dirichletbc(value, left_dofs, fs.sub(argList[i]['Direction'])))
facets = np.array(facetTags.indices[facetTags.values==argList[i]['Surface']])
left_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(fs, fdim, facets)
bcs.append(fem.dirichletbc(value, left_dofs, fs))
return bcs
## FacetFunction
class FacetFunction:
## FacetFunction.__init__()
# Default constructor with args
# - domain: The dolfinx.mesh entity
# - fdim: The facet dimension for this function [int]
def __init__(self, domain, fdim, numEntities):
self._domain = domain
self._fdim = fdim
self._indices = []
self._numEntities = numEntities
# self._markers = []
self._markers = np.zeros(self._numEntities, dtype=np.int32)
## FacetFunction.CreateMeshTag()
# Call this after using SubDomain.mark() to generate a dolfinx.mesh.meshtags object
def CreateMeshTag(self):
return mesh.meshtags(self._domain, self._fdim, np.arange(self._numEntities, dtype=np.int32), self._markers)
class RigidConstraint(SubDomain): # Bending Supports
def inside(self, x):
arg1 = self.near(x[1], 0, tol)
arg2 = self.near(x[0], -0.8, relSupportDistance)
arg3 = self.near(x[0], 0.8, relSupportDistance)
return self.land(arg1, self.lor(arg2, arg3))
class LoadingArea(SubDomain): # Loading Area
def inside(self, x):
arg1 = self.near(x[1], 1, tol)
arg2 = self.near(x[0], 0, LoadingTol)
return self.land(arg1, arg2)
# Facets #
## FacetFunction instance
# Hold the marked facets of topological dimension 2
facetFunction = FacetFunction(domain, fdim, num_facets)
RigidConstraint().mark(facetFunction, 1)
LoadingArea().mark(facetFunction, 2)
facetTags = facetFunction.CreateMeshTag()
# Setup dz and ds #
dz = ufl.Measure('dx', domain = domain, metadata={"quadrature_degree": 5})
ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain = domain, subdomain_data = facetTags)
# Load Expression #
loadArea = commWorld.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(scalar1*ds(2))), op = MPI.SUM)
displacementDriven = fem.Constant(domain, pets.ScalarType(0.0))
# Boundary Conditions #
boundary_conditions_k = {1: {'Dirichlet': 0.0, 'Surface' : 1, 'Direction' : 1},
2: {'Dirichlet': displacementDriven, 'Surface' : 2, 'Direction' : 1},
3: {'Dirichlet': 0.0, 'Surface' : 2, 'Direction' : 0},
bcs_k = DirichletBCs(boundary_conditions_k, Vs_CG, facetTags)
integrals_N_k = []
def epsilon(u):
return 0.5*(ufl.nabla_grad(u) + ufl.nabla_grad(u).T)
def voigt2stress(vec):
return ufl.as_tensor([[vec[0], vec[2]],
[vec[2], vec[1]]])
def StrainVector(e):
return ufl.as_vector([e[0,0], e[1,1], 2*e[0,1]])
def Sigma(u_k, u_k_old, _oldsigma):
dU = u_k - u_k_old
dE = StrainVector(epsilon(dU))
return _oldsigma + _Compliance * dE
def SigmaVec(sigmaIn):
return ufl.as_vector([sigmaIn[0,0],sigmaIn[1,1],sigmaIn[0,1]])
def project(function, space):
p = ufl.TrialFunction(space)
q = ufl.TestFunction(space)
a = ufl.inner(p, q) * dz
L = ufl.inner(function, q) * dz
problem = fem.petsc.LinearProblem(a, L, bcs = [])
return problem.solve()
# Problem Declaration #
# Displacement #
F_k = ufl.inner(voigt2stress(Sigma(u_k, u_k_old, sigma_old_old)), epsilon(v_k))*dz - sum(integrals_N_k)
# Problem Creation #
Prob_k = fem.petsc.NonlinearProblem(F_k, u_k, bcs=bcs_k)
## Displacement #
Solver_k = nls.petsc.NewtonSolver(commWorld, Prob_k)
Solver_k.convergence_criterion = "residual"
Solver_k.atol = 1e-8
Solver_k.max_it = 25
Solver_k.report = True
# Write Load File #
if (thisCore == 0):
loadFile.write("Time [s]\tDisplacement [m]\tActualLoad [N]\tStress [Pa]\tDelta Stress [Pa]\tError Value\n")
## Loop ##
t = 0
dt = dt1
deltaLoad0 = 0
while (t < totalTime):
displacementDriven.value = deltaLoad0
# Solve for k
# Solve for the current sigma using the current and previous displacement
sigma_old.x.array[:] = project(Sigma(u_k, u_k_old, sigma_old_old), Vs_CG_3).x.array
# Assignments
sigmaExact = _Compliance * StrainVector(epsilon(u_k))
deltaValue = commWorld.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form((sigma_old - sigma_old_old)[1]*ds(2)))/loadArea, op = MPI.SUM)
errorValue = commWorld.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(ufl.inner(sigma_old - sigmaExact, sigma_old - sigmaExact)*ds(2)))/loadArea, op = MPI.SUM)
sigma_old_old.x.array[:] = sigma_old.x.array
u_k_old.x.array[:] = u_k.x.array
# Saving
dispValue = commWorld.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(u_k[1]*ds(2)))/loadArea, op = MPI.SUM)
loadValue = commWorld.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(sigma_old_old[1]*ds(2))), op = MPI.SUM)
stressValue = commWorld.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(sigma_old_old[1]*ds(2)))/loadArea, op = MPI.SUM)
if (thisCore == 0):
loadFile = open(loadFileName,'a')
deltaLoad0 -= deltaLoad*dt
t += dt
The comprTest variable simply turns the loading scenario into a compression test if = 1 and flexural loading if = 0.