Install question via jupyter note


I follow a video from youtube Install FeniCS on Windows - Section 1 - Linux in Windows 10(Linux subsystem)-Part 1 - YouTube
Now I have Ubuntu,Anaconda, and Juputer notebook

I got failed after I typed this

!conda config --add channels conda-forge
!conda install fenics

The failed information is

By the way, if you have a better install tutorial please let me know, I think I am not very good, but not that bad, I am so confused with the install tutorial from the Springer book.

I would suggest using docker and follow the instructions: 5. Running Jupyter notebooks — FEniCS Containers 1.0 documentation

Thank you so much dokken, but I don’t know too much about docker, for the docker, I need a docker desktop like the attached or a docker on Ubuntu?

You can use docker desktop.

Thank you for your fast reply dokken,
Then I follow the book
but I got this

Please make sure that you have installed docker desktop and can run
docker run hello-world as shown in: Docker Desktop for Windows user manual | Docker Documentation

I got Hello from docker, but still show the same error when I type curl -s https"// | bash

Instead of using the fenicsproject script, try:

docker run --name notebook -w /home/fenics -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -d -p 'jupyter-notebook --ip='

As described in section 5.1 of

Got this

this is due to the Windows paths when trying to share them with -v, see python - Using Docker via Windows console: includes invalid characters $PWD for a local volume name - Stack Overflow

I got this,

But I am totally lost now, what I should do next? Install fenics?

Please read the instructions in the page I directed you to, as it clearly states:

The notebook will be available at http://localhost:8888 in your webbrowser. See Finding out the access token for the next step.

Yes, dokken, I appreciate you, but this is the seciton 5, my question is that I cannot run the command in section 1, which is
curl -s | bash

Do all the other commands than the curl one. Aka open your browser to the page, and find the access token as described. You have already started the docker container.
Just follow the instructions after:

5.1. Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows and Linux users

First of all we run a new Docker container with the jupyter-notebook command specified and the default port 8888 exposed on localhost:

Don’t know why still not working

Please read the error message, a notebook named notebook has already been created, last time you ran the command. Please use docker container start -t notebook

I knew, so I try to use the token to the previous created notebook.

I would suggest shopping and removing the container,

docker container stop notebook
docker container rm notebook

and rerun

docker run --name notebook -w /home/fenics -v /c/Users/<path>:/home/fenics/shared -d -p 'jupyter-notebook --ip='

where should be replaced by the path to what you would like to share