I’m interesting in using of FEniCS project. But I faced the challenge of some difficulties. I can’t finish the procedure of installation of FEniCS by any listed in https://fenicsproject.org/download/ ways. I realize that my understanding of computing tools are very anachronic. I would like to ask to give me please step-by-step instruction with corresponding links for “The easiest way to start using FEniCSx ” by “the Jupyter lab Docker image” for Windows 10.
Install docker desktop: Install Docker Desktop on Windows | Docker Documentation
Pull the dolfinx/dolfinx image from dockerhub. See: Docker Hub Quickstart | Docker Documentation for more details
Thank you very much for your reply. 1) I download Docker Desktop and click exe-file. 2) I see on my window " WSL 2 installation is incomplete…" and open link https:/aka.ms/wsl2kernel.3) As it recommended on Install WSL | Microsoft Docs I enter " wsl --install" on Windows Command Prompt. What is the next step? ):
Please read the whole docker guide: Install Docker Desktop on Windows | Docker Documentation
It has detailed descriptions on how to use it.
At least I found string “dolfinx/lab …” on my Docker desktop. But when I enter ‘’
curl -s https://get.fenicsproject.org | bash" on Windows Command Prompt, I read “It appears that Docker is not installed on your system” and supposal to return to Redirecting… i.e. starting point…
Now you are mixing Dolfin and DOLFINx instructions.
You should fetch dolfinx/lab or the dolfinx/dolfinx image; and use them as any other image with docker as described in: Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend | Docker Documentation
i.e. docker run … dolfinx/lab
Thank you. Excuse me but I don;t understand what I’m “mixing”… I entered already
"**docker run** -p 8888:8888 **dolfinx/lab**"(as in your post ?)
on Windows Command Prompt and have dolfinx/lab in Images list of Docker.
And what is the output of this command?
Thank you! One of the link opens Jupyter lab on my browser. Windows Ccommand Prompt says:
[W 2022-04-09 03:58:43.667 LabApp] Could not determine jupyterlab build status without nodejs
What it means?