Hello everyone, as shown in the figure, for heat transfer problems involving multiple regions, how can I use FEniCS to implement the continuity conditions of temperature and heat flux density at the interface? Your help is appreciated. Thank you!

(The red line represents the interface)
Your question is very vague, and thus it is difficult to give any precise guidance. Please see Read before posting: How do I get my question answered?
Apart from that, general suggestions would be:
- if you want to write a weak formulation on the entire domain, then those conditions at the interface would come for free, at least if you are using Lagrange finite elements (i.e., continuous). Then the question I guess you are asking is how to define subdomains: see e.g. Defining subdomains for different materials — FEniCSx tutorial
- if instead you want to write a weak formulation on subdomain I and another on subdomain II, then consider reading this
tutorial tutorial_lagrange_multipliers_interface
Dear leader, I understand the posting guidelines. Here I just want to get a simple example. The interface continuity condition comes from a heat transfer textbook. The Dirichlet boundary condition and Neumann condition are both explained in the FEniCS official tutorial, but the interface continuity condition required for multi-region heat transfer problems is not covered. The issue I am facing is that the two regions cannot be written as a unified weak form of the Fourier equation, so I cannot use your first suggestion. However, this is a general problem, and interface continuity conditions need to be satisfied for any heat transfer between multiple regions, which is not addressed in the FEniCS tutorial.
then user the second suggestion.
Alright, thank you for your response.