Hi everyone,
I have met a problem in interpolating a function from a mesh to the new one. The version I use is dolfinx 0.7.2. The code is like:
domain_a = file_input1.read_mesh(name=“Grid”)
domain_b = file_input2.read_mesh(name=“Grid”)
W_a = fem.functionspace(domain_a, (“CG”, 2))
W_b = fem.functionspace(domain_b, (“CG”, 2))
u_a = fem.Function(W_a)
u_b = fem.Function(W_b)
u_b.interpolate(u_a, nmm_interpolation_data=fem.create_nonmatching_meshes_interpolation_data(domain_b._cpp_object, W_b.element, domain_a._cpp_object, 0))
Some spots in the center of the interpolation picture can be seen, which represent the tolerance between the origin values and the interpolated values. I would like to have your ideas about how to eliminate this tolerance, or in another word, is there something I can do or adjust to make the interpolation perfect?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
November 27, 2023, 3:20pm
u_b.interpolate(u_a, nmm_interpolation_data=fem.create_nonmatching_meshes_interpolation_data(domain_b._cpp_object, W_b.element, domain_a._cpp_object, 0))
Increase the last argument of fem.create_nonmatching_meshes_interpolation_data
from 0 to 1e-6
Hello Dr. Dokken,
Thank you so much for your answer.
With your advice it reaches the accuracy that I need.
In fact I haven´t really understood this “padding” parameter. Could you please elaborate it a little bit more?
Best regards,
November 28, 2023, 9:17am
When you have non matching meshes, you can have a point in one cell that is on the border of a set of cells in the other mesh.
The GJK collision algorithm that we use for finding colliding cells, does not work at machine precision, so this point may be 1e-7-1e-8 outside all cells in the new mesh.
The padding adds an extra step to finding colliding cells, finding the closest cell within the padding range.
This has for instance been shown in
opened 12:25PM - 19 Sep 23 UTC
closed 03:59PM - 03 Oct 23 UTC
### How to reproduce the bug
I stumpled across this issue when using the interp… olate function for non-matching meshes. When I have only a 'small' shift of coordinates of the two meshes, the interpolate function returns a zero. This behavior is clear for boundary values, but it also happens for values inside both domains. I could track this issue back to the geometry.compute_colliding_cells function.
In the minimal example I presented the issue:
The 'evaluate' function I define is based on this fenicsx tutorial: https://jsdokken.com/dolfinx-tutorial/chapter1/membrane_code.html#making-curve-plots-throughout-the-domain
I am creating two meshes and shift one of those meshes slightly by a random distribution (I added the seed for reproducability). I am then defining some function on mesh 1 and interpolate it to mesh 2. At one position in the function defined on mesh 2 a zero is interpolated, although it is inside both meshes. You can see this clearly in paraview, I also print the problematic DOF to the console. I also write the two functions to paraview where you can have a closed look. Making the eps parameters smaller results in more of these candidates.
Then I am using the 'evaluate' function to further track down the problem (I guess the interpolate function is using something similar). While the cell_candidates are still correct (the bounding box tree finds both elements which might be colliding with the problematic point), the compute_colliding_cells function returns an empty array of cells. I guess because it cannot decide which cell to choose, so it chooses none.
### Minimal Example (Python)
from dolfinx import io, fem, mesh, geometry
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
# Evaluate function values as implemented in
# https://jsdokken.com/dolfinx-tutorial/chapter1/membrane_code.html#making-curve-plots-throughout-the-domain
def evaluate_function(points, u):
domain = u.function_space.mesh
bb_tree = geometry.BoundingBoxTree(domain, domain.topology.dim)
cells = []
points_on_proc = []
# Find cells whose bounding-box collide with the points
cell_candidates = geometry.compute_collisions(bb_tree, points)
print("Cell candidates (still correct):", cell_candidates.links(6166))
# Choose one of the cells that contains the point
colliding_cells = geometry.compute_colliding_cells(domain, cell_candidates, points)
print("Colliding cells (wrong):", colliding_cells.links(6166))
for i, point in enumerate(points):
if len(colliding_cells.links(i))>0:
points_on_proc = np.array(points_on_proc, dtype=np.float64)
values = u.eval(points_on_proc, cells)
return values
file1 = io.XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 'testout/output1.xdmf', 'w')
file2 = io.XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 'testout/output2.xdmf', 'w')
# Create two initially equal meshes
msh1 = mesh.create_rectangle(comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD,
points=((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)), n=(100, 100),
msh2 = mesh.create_rectangle(comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD,
points=((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)), n=(100, 100),
# Shift the geometry of the second mesh slighly in any direction
eps = 5.0e-7
rand_array = eps * np.random.rand(*msh2.geometry.x.shape)
rand_array[:, -1] = 0.0
msh2.geometry.x[:] += rand_array
V1 = fem.FunctionSpace(msh1, ('CG', 1))
V2 = fem.FunctionSpace(msh2, ('CG', 1))
u1 = fem.Function(V1)
u1.interpolate(lambda x: x[0] ** 2 + x[1]) # Arbitrary function value
u2 = fem.Function(V2)
print("Problematic point of u2 (at index 6166)", msh2.geometry.x[6166])
print("Original point (u1 is defined at) ", msh1.geometry.x[6166])
print("Magnitude of shift:", np.linalg.norm(msh1.geometry.x[6166]-msh2.geometry.x[6166]))
print("Function value at u2[6166]:", u2.x.array[6166])
print("Function value at u1[6166]:", u1.x.array[6166])
# Test the evaluate function
vals = evaluate_function(msh2.geometry.x, u1)
# Write and close files
### Output (Python)
_No response_
### Version
### DOLFINx git commit
### Installation
I used docker on windows 11
### Additional information
_No response_