Is VTKHDF the future for time series?


I noticed that the Fides reader was removed and that VTKHDF mesh I/O has been added. Will VTKHDF serve as a substitute for the unmaintained .xdmf format?

Best regards,

Its a bit hard to look into the future. Currently VTKHDF serves as a scalable way of storing meshes or interacting with the VTK package.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing this post, several core features are missing from Paraview to visualize such files, see

for their breakdown of features and how far they have gotten along.

We will keep an eye out for developments on their end.

According to kitware, it should be the future:


Thanks, Jorgen.

Will the FidesWriter no longer be included in Dolfinx versions starting from 0.10.0?

Yes, the FidesWriter was removed as it provides only a subset of features compared to VTXWriter.