I want to combine two interval meshes into one. I read this Post and I managed to make a single interval mesh with Mesh Editor of Fenics. How can I join two meshes? Here is my code
If you are creating your interval mesh with the mesh editor, why do you need to join two meshes? Can’t you just create the coupled mesh in one go?
Please also note that you have not used the correct numbering in add_vertex or add_cell as you repeat the index 0 and one as input index.
Thank you for your answer. Actually, I want to make an interval mesh with two different regions. So maybe I used a wrong word for my question because I want to combine two meshes into one, including two regions. Lets say I want to build a mesh from x = [0,1] with 1^{st} region (fluid) ranging in x =[0,0.5] and 2^{nd} one (solid) in x = [0.5,1.0]
Yes I can mark them but I think that in this way I cant control easily the number of elements of each region. Anyway if there is no way to do it I will mark them