My OS is Ubuntu 18.04, and I am currently using the docker image quay.io/fenicsproject/stable:current . I would like to use it as an application as explained in the link below:
However, if I:
Create a data volume:
docker volume create --name instant-cache
Run the following command several times:
docker run --rm -v instant-cache:/home/fenics/.instant -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -w /home/fenics/shared quay.io/fenicsproject/stable:current "python3 my-code.py"
the JIT compiler is called every time, and not just on the first run. Has anything changed since that documentation was written, or am I doing something wrong?
The “my-code.py” example from the page is:
from dolfin import *
print("Running FEniCS...")
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "P", 1)
u = interpolate(Constant(1.0), V)
with XDMFFile("f.xdmf") as f: