Krylov-schur algorithm in SLEPc

Hello everyone,
I’m using Krylov-schur method for solving the eigenproblem related to Helmholtz equation.
I can modify some parameters of the solver, with the following lines for example :

solver = SLEPcEigenSolver(A, B)
solver.parameters["solver"] = 'krylov-schur'
solver.parameters["spectrum"] = 'smallest magnitude'
solver.parameters["problem_type"] = 'gen_hermitian
solver.parameters["tolerance"] = 1e-6

But do you know how to set the value of the maximum dimension of the subspace used in the algorithm ? I mean the value of ncv

In old dolfin I think what you want is captured in the argument to dolfin::SLEPcEigenSolver::solve. If you’re open to advice, I’d suggest constructing your own SLEPc::EPS and use that instead.