Hello, I want to solve a stiff PDE but there is no available solver such as BDF for this task. I find an example of using the TS module in PETSC to solve the heat equation, but the layout of matrix is mannally managed. In fencis, the matrix and vector are distributed across the processes automatically, how can I control this ? Or is there a better way to use PETSC.TS in Fenics, after all dealing with MPI is quite difficult.
Here is the code for solving the heat equation
# Solves Heat equation on a periodic domain, using raw VecScatter
from __future__ import division
import sys, petsc4py
from petsc4py import PETSc
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy
class Heat(object):
def __init__(self,comm,N):
self.comm = comm
self.N = N # global problem size
self.h = 1/N # grid spacing on unit interval
self.n = N // comm.size + int(comm.rank < (N % comm.size)) # owned part of global problem
self.start = comm.exscan(self.n)
if comm.rank == 0: self.start = 0
gindices = numpy.arange(self.start-1, self.start+self.n+1, dtype=int) % N # periodic
self.mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm=comm)
size = (self.n, self.N) # local and global sizes
self.mat.setPreallocationNNZ((3,1)) # Conservative preallocation for 3 "local" columns and one non-local
# Allow matrix insertion using local indices [0:n+2]
lgmap = PETSc.LGMap().create(list(gindices), comm=comm)
self.mat.setLGMap(lgmap, lgmap)
# Global and local vectors
self.gvec = self.mat.createVecRight()
self.lvec = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
# Configure scatter from global to local
isg = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(list(gindices), comm=comm)
self.g2l = PETSc.Scatter().create(self.gvec, isg, self.lvec, None)
self.tozero, self.zvec = PETSc.Scatter.toZero(self.gvec)
self.history = []
if True: # Print some diagnostics
print('[%d] local size %d, global size %d, starting offset %d' % (comm.rank, self.n, self.N, self.start))
self.g2l.scatter(self.gvec, self.lvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT)
for rank in range(comm.size):
if rank == comm.rank:
print('Contents of local Vec on rank %d' % rank)
def evalSolution(self, t, x):
assert t == 0.0, "only for t=0.0"
coord = numpy.arange(self.start, self.start+self.n) / self.N
x.setArray((numpy.abs(coord-0.5) < 0.1) * 1.0)
def evalFunction(self, ts, t, x, xdot, f):
self.g2l.scatter(x, self.lvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT) # lvec is a work vector
h = self.h
with self.lvec as u, xdot as udot:
f.setArray(udot*h + 2*u[1:-1]/h - u[:-2]/h - u[2:]/h) # Scale equation by volume element
def evalJacobian(self, ts, t, x, xdot, a, A, B):
h = self.h
for i in range(self.n):
lidx = i + 1
gidx = self.start + i
B.setValuesLocal([lidx], [lidx-1,lidx,lidx+1], [-1/h, a*h+2/h, -1/h])
if A != B: A.assemble() # If operator is different from preconditioning matrix
return True # same nonzero pattern
def monitor(self, ts, i, t, x):
if self.history:
lasti, lastt, lastx = self.history[-1]
if i < lasti + 4 or t < lastt + 1e-4: return
self.tozero.scatter(x, self.zvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT)
xx = self.zvec[:].tolist()
self.history.append((i, t, xx))
def plotHistory(self):
from matplotlib import pylab, rcParams
except ImportError:
print("matplotlib not available")
raise SystemExit
#rcParams.update({'text.usetex':True, 'figure.figsize':(10,6)})
#rc('figure', figsize=(600,400))
pylab.title('Heat: TS \\texttt{%s}' % ts.getType())
x = numpy.arange(self.N) / self.N
for i,t,u in self.history:
pylab.plot(x, u, label='step=%d t=%8.2g'%(i,t))
pylab.legend(loc='upper right')
OptDB = PETSc.Options()
ode = Heat(MPI.COMM_WORLD, OptDB.getInt('n',100))
x = ode.gvec.duplicate()
f = ode.gvec.duplicate()
ts = PETSc.TS().create(comm=ode.comm)
ts.setType(ts.Type.ROSW) # Rosenbrock-W. ARKIMEX is a nonlinearly implicit alternative.
ts.setIFunction(ode.evalFunction, ode.gvec)
ts.setIJacobian(ode.evalJacobian, ode.mat)
ts.setMaxSNESFailures(-1) # allow an unlimited number of failures (step will be rejected and retried)
snes = ts.getSNES() # Nonlinear solver
snes.setTolerances(max_it=10) # Stop nonlinear solve after 10 iterations (TS will retry with shorter step)
ksp = snes.getKSP() # Linear solver
ksp.setType(ksp.Type.CG) # Conjugate gradients
pc = ksp.getPC() # Preconditioner
if False: # Configure algebraic multigrid, could use run-time options instead
pc.setType(pc.Type.GAMG) # PETSc's native AMG implementation, mostly based on smoothed aggregation
OptDB['mg_coarse_pc_type'] = 'svd' # more specific multigrid options
OptDB['mg_levels_pc_type'] = 'sor'
ts.setFromOptions() # Apply run-time options, e.g. -ts_adapt_monitor -ts_type arkimex -snes_converged_reason
ode.evalSolution(0.0, x)
if ode.comm.rank == 0:
print('steps %d (%d rejected, %d SNES fails), nonlinear its %d, linear its %d'
% (ts.getStepNumber(), ts.getStepRejections(), ts.getSNESFailures(),
ts.getSNESIterations(), ts.getKSPIterations()))
if OptDB.getBool('plot_history', True) and ode.comm.rank == 0: