Thank you @dokken for the response, I understand that this has got something to do with the underlying OS but this issue is preventing me to render dynamic images.
The command used is
docker run --init -ti -v /Users/xyz/dolfinx-fenics/projects/abcd:/root/shared/ -p 8888:8888 dolfinx/lab:stable
I have been trying to google, stack exchange but yet to meet with any success.
I must be missing something simple but I see this error also in the tutorial page Implementation — FEniCSx tutorial except that one can zoom in or zoom out the rendered images in this page and I can’t do that either on my notebook.
I might have been mistaken and this may not be the correct approach. Yet, I thought of sharing what seems to work! The flip side is that I have to add this to the docker image and have to keep a custom copy of the same. But until another approach is found…