MeshEntityIterator in DOLINx


Is the MeshEntityIterator avaliable?For the new DOLFINx (v0.6.0), is there any functions that can be applied to do the entity iteration?


As DOLFINx is designed with functional programming in mind, you can easily make an iterator with the following:
entities = range(mesh.topology.index_map(dim).size_local) if you want to iterate over all entities of dimension dim owned by the current process.

If you could provide a minimal example of what entity information you want to obtain, it would be possible to Give a more specific advice

I find some functions in the source codes here

this function is what I want which enable me do do iteration over cells and access the DOFs in each cell. If I want to do the similar operation over edges, do you have some suggestions? Thanks

Just as @dokken wrote

You can iterate over entities of arbitrary dimension. If your problem has an edge topology of dimension dim_edge then the edge iterator would iterate over

entities = range(mesh.topology.index_map(dim_edge).size_local)

For example, a 3D problem would have dim = 3 and dim_edge = 1.

An example of how to get the dofs on the facets (or any sub entity of the facet) is shown below:

import dolfinx
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI

mesh = dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 10, 10)

V = dolfinx.fem.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 2))
u = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)
u.interpolate(lambda x: (x[0], 2*x[1]))

dim = mesh.topology.dim -1 # Use facets in example

# Compute cell->entity and entity->cell connectivity
mesh.topology.create_connectivity(dim, mesh.topology.dim)
mesh.topology.create_connectivity(mesh.topology.dim, dim)
dim_to_cell = mesh.topology.connectivity(dim, mesh.topology.dim)
cell_to_dim = mesh.topology.connectivity(mesh.topology.dim, dim)

# dof layout
dl = V.dofmap.dof_layout
assert (dl.block_size ==
bs = dl.block_size

# Get dof layout for each cell
num_entities = mesh.topology.index_map(dim).size_local + mesh.topology.index_map(dim).num_ghosts
entity_dofs = []
for entity in range(num_entities):
    cells = dim_to_cell.links(entity) # Find all cells connected to entity
    entities = cell_to_dim.links(cells[0]) # Pick one cell to find facet local index in cell
    local_index = np.flatnonzero(entities==entity)
    closure_dofs = dl.entity_closure_dofs(dim, local_index) # Get dofs on facet for that cell
    dofs = V.dofmap.cell_dofs(cells[0])[closure_dofs]

    entity_dofs.append([]) # Store all dofs on facet (unrolled)
    for dof in dofs:
        for i in range(bs):

# Test by finding single facet

def one_facet(x):
    return (x[0]>=(0.9- 1e-10)) & np.isclose(x[1], 1)

facet = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities(mesh, dim, one_facet )
assert len(facet) == 1
facet_dofs = entity_dofs[facet[0]]
x = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
print(u.x.array[facet_dofs], x[np.array(facet_dofs[0::2])//bs])