Modal analysis of PCB with components

I’m looking to do a modal analysis of a simple, flat circuit board with 3 dummy components placed on top. The board will have 4 mounting holes, one at each corner. The density and modulus of the board will be different than for the components.

I haven’t yet installed FENICSx, since I want to know if this is a type of problem that would be fairly easy for me to learn and implement with. I know there’s a modal analysis tutorial, so I will start there if it seems like my ultimate problem can also be tackled.

Can I make a 2D simulation of a plane PCB, designate regions as components w/ different material props, and solve for the mode shapes and frequencies? If yes, can anyone point me toward a similar example or worked analysis that I could study?


All of these things are possible in FEniCSx. I’m not aware of an example in 2D, although there may be one out there somewhere. For a 3D example, you could see my post here. It should be fairly straightforward to adapt to 2D. You’ll need to:

  • Change the mesh (obviously) from the 3D mesh generated by create_box to something 2D. In order to model the holes and components, you’ll probably want to use Gmsh.
  • Change the weak forms k_form and m_form from the solid-type formulation to a shell-type formulation.

You may also be interested in another of my posts which describes how to model a distributed mass, although it is written for old FEniCS, not FEniCSx. (This might be useful for modeling the added mass of a component placed on the board.)