Modal analysis of PCB with components

All of these things are possible in FEniCSx. I’m not aware of an example in 2D, although there may be one out there somewhere. For a 3D example, you could see my post here. It should be fairly straightforward to adapt to 2D. You’ll need to:

  • Change the mesh (obviously) from the 3D mesh generated by create_box to something 2D. In order to model the holes and components, you’ll probably want to use Gmsh.
  • Change the weak forms k_form and m_form from the solid-type formulation to a shell-type formulation.

You may also be interested in another of my posts which describes how to model a distributed mass, although it is written for old FEniCS, not FEniCSx. (This might be useful for modeling the added mass of a component placed on the board.)