I get nanobind leaked instances warnings after running any case. I’ve been watching my RAM but I do not see anything unusual. Is this something I can ignore? These are the warnings that I get when I run demo_poisson.py:
Install 'pyvista' with pip: 'python3 -m pip install pyvista'
nanobind: leaked 10 instances!
nanobind: leaked 1 keep_alive records!
nanobind: leaked 6 types!
- leaked type "dolfinx.cpp.mesh.Mesh_float64"
- leaked type "dolfinx.cpp.fem.FiniteElement_float64"
- leaked type "dolfinx.cpp.fem.FunctionSpace_float64"
- leaked type "dolfinx.cpp.fem.DofMap"
- leaked type "dolfinx.cpp.la.Vector_float64"
- leaked type "dolfinx.cpp.la.Norm"
nanobind: leaked 43 functions!
- leaked function "signature"
- leaked function "map"
- leaked function ""
- leaked function ""
- leaked function "scatter_forward"
- leaked function ""
- leaked function "__init__"
- leaked function "contains"
- leaked function "pre_apply_inverse_transpose_dof_transformation"
- leaked function ""
- leaked function ""
- ... skipped remainder
nanobind: this is likely caused by a reference counting issue in the binding code.
I’m working with the latest version of dolfinx (commit 0a6570392ac8adae23ff98f44c0c2a48f7be4c5f) compiled in a container built from ghcr.io/fenics/test-env:current-mpich. To reproduce the issue, I connect to a new temporary container like this: