My advisor and I have been working on solving the Navier-Stokes equations with a couple velocity-pressure scheme. We are using FEniCSx0.8.
We implemented a manufactured solution test to check our implementation using either an explicit scheme (where nonlinear term (u.grad)u is treated explicitly) or a semi-implicit scheme. Both methods uses a Backward Euler method.
While the explicit scheme works as intended (order 1 convergence), the semi-implicit scheme does not converge in pressure (the error always stays around 0.6).
We introduced a parameter “explicit” that can be set to either 1 to the run explicit scheme or 0 to run the semi-implicit scheme so the only difference is highlighted in this part of the code when defining the bilinear and linear form of the problem.
# ############### Load/import modules
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc
import numpy as np
import ufl
from dolfinx import fem, io, mesh, plot, default_real_type
from dolfinx.fem import (Constant, Function, functionspace, assemble_scalar,
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import assemble_matrix_block, assemble_vector_block, LinearProblem, create_vector
from basix.ufl import element
from ufl import (FacetNormal, Identity, TestFunction, TrialFunction, cos, sin, variable, as_vector,
div, dot, ds, dx, inner, lhs, nabla_grad, grad, rhs, sym, diff, Measure, gt, outer,
SpatialCoordinate, exp, avg, conditional)
# ############### END Load/import modules
# ############### Problem Parameters
# Time interval
t = 0.0
T = 1.0
# Time discretisation
num_steps = 20
dt = T / num_steps
# Space discretisation
n_elem = 10
# Degree Lagrange polynomial
deg = 1 #P_deg for pressure and P_{deg+1} for velocity
# Problem parameters
nu = 0.1
# ############### END Problem Parameters
# ############### Mesh
# Create mesh
msh = mesh.create_rectangle(
points=((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)),
gdim = msh.geometry.dim
# Define spatial coordinate (x[0], x[1], etc.)
x = SpatialCoordinate(msh)
# ############### END Mesh
# ############### Problem functions
#Source term in Navier-Stokes
class f_exp:
def __init__(self, t):
self.t = t
def __call__(self, x):
values = np.zeros((gdim, x.shape[1]), dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
values[0] = (
#time derivative
-np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.cos(np.pi * x[1]) * np.sin(self.t)
+ nu * 2.0 * np.pi**2 * np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.cos(np.pi * x[1]) * np.cos(self.t)
#pressure gradient
- np.pi * np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.cos(np.pi * x[1]) * np.cos(self.t)
#nonlinear term
+ np.pi * np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.cos(np.pi * x[0]) * np.cos(self.t)**2
values[1] = (
#time derivative
np.cos(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) * np.sin(self.t)
- nu * 2.0 * np.pi**2 * np.cos(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) * np.cos(self.t)
#pressure gradient
- np.pi * np.cos(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) * np.cos(self.t)
#nonlinear term
+ np.pi * np.sin(np.pi * x[1]) * np.cos(np.pi * x[1]) * np.cos(self.t)**2
return values
# Exact velocity (also used for boundary condition(
class u_exact_exp():
def __init__(self, t):
self.t = t
def __call__(self, x):
values = np.zeros((gdim, x.shape[1]), dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
values[0] = np.sin(np.pi * x[0]) * np.cos(np.pi * x[1])*np.cos(self.t)
values[1] = -np.cos(np.pi * x[0]) * np.sin(np.pi * x[1])*np.cos(self.t)
return values
# Exact pressure
class p_exact_exp():
def __init__(self, t):
self.t = t
def __call__(self, x):
values = np.cos(np.pi*x[0]) * np.cos(np.pi*x[1])*np.cos(self.t)
return values
# Expression for location Dirichlet BC
def gamma_D_exp(x):
return (np.isclose(x[0],0.0) | np.isclose(x[0],1.0) |
np.isclose(x[1],0.0) | np.isclose(x[1],1.0)
# ############### END Problem functions
# ############### Useful functions to compute norms, average, etc
#Compute the average of a function over the domain
def domain_average(msh, p):
"""Compute the average of a function over the domain"""
vol = msh.comm.allreduce(
fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(fem.Constant(msh, default_real_type(1.0)) * dx)), op=MPI.SUM
return (1.0 / vol) * msh.comm.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(p * dx)), op=MPI.SUM)
# Compute norm L2
def norm_L2(comm, v):
"""Compute the L2(Ω)-norm of v"""
return np.sqrt(msh.comm.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(fem.form(inner(v, v) * dx)), op=MPI.SUM))
# Compute semi norm H1
def norm_sH1(comm, v):
"""Compute the semi H1(Ω)-norm of v"""
return np.sqrt(msh.comm.allreduce(fem.assemble_scalar(
fem.form(inner(grad(v), grad(v)) * dx)), op=MPI.SUM))
# ############### END Useful functions to compute norms, average, etc
# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################
# ############### Functional Space
# Create Taylor-Hood element
Pu = element("Lagrange", msh.basix_cell(), deg+1, shape=(msh.geometry.dim,))
Pp = element("Lagrange", msh.basix_cell(), deg)
# Create variational function spaces
V = functionspace(msh,Pu)
Q = functionspace(msh,Pp)
# ############### END Functional Space
# ############### Boundary Conditions
facets = mesh.locate_entities_boundary(msh, 1, gamma_D_exp)
dofs_u = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V,msh.topology.dim - 1, facets)
# Define time dependent boundary conditions
u_bdy = Function(V)
u_exact_exp.t = t
u_exact_exp = u_exact_exp(t)
bc_u = fem.dirichletbc(u_bdy, dofs_u)
# ############### END Boundary Conditions
# ############### Define variational problem
# Define trial and test functions
(u, p) = TrialFunction(V), TrialFunction(Q)
(v, q) = TestFunction(V), TestFunction(Q)
# Define approximation at previous time step
u_n = Function(V)
u_exact_exp.t = t
# Define/Declare source term
#f = Constant(msh, (PETSc.ScalarType(0), PETSc.ScalarType(0)))
f = Function(V)
f_exp.t = t
f_exp = f_exp(t)
# Define bilinear form of variational formulation
if explicit==0:
a_der_LHS = inner(u / dt + dot(u_n, nabla_grad(u)), v) * dx
a_der_LHS = inner(u / dt, v) * dx
a_00 = nu * inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx
a_01 = -inner(p, div(v)) * dx
a_10 = -inner(div(u), q) * dx
a = form([[a_00 + a_der_LHS, a_01], [a_10, None]])
# Define linear form of variational formulation
if explicit==0:
a_der_RHS = inner(u_n / dt, v) * dx
a_der_RHS = inner(u_n / dt - dot(u_n, nabla_grad(u_n)), v) * dx
L_0 = inner(f, v) * dx
L_1 = inner(fem.Constant(msh, default_real_type(0.0)), q) * dx
L = form([L_0 + a_der_RHS, L_1])
# ############### END Define variational problem
# ############### Assemble matrix-vector and Define solver
# Assemble Navier-Stokes problem
A = assemble_matrix_block(a, bcs=bcs)
b = assemble_vector_block(L, a, bcs=bcs)
# Create vector to store solution linear system
x = A.createVecRight()
# Create and configure solver
ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(msh.comm) # type: ignore
opts = PETSc.Options() # type: ignore
opts["mat_mumps_icntl_14"] = 80 # Increase MUMPS working memory
opts["mat_mumps_icntl_24"] = 1 # Option to support solving a singular matrix (pressure nullspace)
opts["mat_mumps_icntl_25"] = 0 # Option to support solving a singular matrix (pressure nullspace)
opts["ksp_error_if_not_converged"] = 1
# ############### END Assemble matrix-vector and Define solver
# #############################################################################
# ######################## TIME LOOP
# #############################################################################
for i in range(num_steps):
# Update current time step
t += dt
# Compute velocity Dirichlet boundary condition
u_exact_exp.t = t
bc_u = fem.dirichletbc(u_bdy, dofs_u)
# Compute source term
# Assemble/Compute LHS (bcs time dependent) and RHS
A = assemble_matrix_block(a, bcs=bcs)
b = assemble_vector_block(L, a, bcs=bcs)
# Solve the variational problem
ksp.solve(b, x)
except PETSc.Error as e: # type: ignore
if e.ierr == 92:
print("The required PETSc solver/preconditioner is not available. Exiting.")
raise e
# Split the solution
u_h = fem.Function(V)
p_h = fem.Function(Q)
p_h.name = "p"
offset = V.dofmap.index_map.size_local * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
u_h.x.array[:offset] = x.array_r[:offset]
p_h.x.array[: (len(x.array_r) - offset)] = x.array_r[offset:]
# Subtract the average of the pressure
p_h.x.array[:] -= domain_average(msh, p_h)
# Update u_n
u_n.x.array[:] = u_h.x.array
# #############################################################################
# ######################## POST-PROCESSING (FINAL ITERATION)
# #############################################################################
# ############## COMPUTE L2 and H1 ERRORS ##########
# Function spaces for exact velocity and pressure
V_e = fem.functionspace(msh, ("Lagrange", deg + 1 + 3, (gdim,)))
Q_e = fem.functionspace(msh, ("Lagrange", deg + 3))
# Interpolate exact velocity
u_e = fem.Function(V_e)
u_exact_exp.t = t
# Interpolate exact pressure
p_e = fem.Function(Q_e)
p_exact_exp.t = t
p_exact_exp = p_exact_exp(t)
# Compute errors
e_u = norm_L2(msh.comm, u_h - u_e)
e_sH1_u = norm_sH1(msh.comm, u_h - u_e)
e_div_u = norm_L2(msh.comm, div(u_h))
p_e_avg = domain_average(msh, p_e)
e_p = norm_L2(msh.comm, p_h - (p_e - p_e_avg))
if i == num_steps - 1 :
# Print errors
if msh.comm.rank == 0:
print(f"e_u = {e_u}")
print(f"e_sH1_u = {e_sH1_u}")
print(f"e_div_u = {e_div_u}")
print(f"e_p = {e_p}")
# ############## END COMPUTE L2 and H1 ERRORS ##########
I am not sure if we are doing something wrong in the above formulation when switching between explicit/semi-implicit and was wondering if you would see something wrong there.
Thank you for your help.