OpenMP Support in FEniCS 2019

Dear FEniCS Users:

My computer has 196 cores with 1T shared memory so I would like to use FEniCS with OpenMP. But it seems that FEniCS.2019 has already removed OpenMP support, it it correct? Is there any other way that I can use FEniCS with OpenMP? Should I install the old version of FEniCS?


FEniCS uses MPI parallelization. An mpi run wll certainly use your cores, is it not using your memory well?

You can get indirect OpenMP support via your BLAS library. Make sure you have an optimized BLAS installed, that is built for openmp (or pthreads). There’s some BLAS discussion at Multicore and Ubuntu - #8 by dparsons or SLEPC solver running in Parallel - #2 by dparsons


Thanks for the suggestion.

I have a linear solver package written in C++, which uses OpenMP. So, I would like to use FEniCS to do the discretization while my package to do the linear solver. If FEniCS can run in OpenMP, it should be very efficient.