I wanted to know how I can get the output of a conditional UFL as an integer or float in an example like below: Check = conditional( lt(dot(d,d), 0.01), 0, 1)
In the above script, d is a function of VectorFunctionSpace in a 2D mesh and has different values at different points. For getting its integral over the domain, I know that I can use assemble(Check * dx) . But I couldn’t find how I can find its output at each point of space.
Thank you so much for your very helpful response. I am trying to run a code like this:
import numpy as np
from dolfin import *
# Optimization options for the form compiler
parameters["form_compiler"]["cpp_optimize"] = True
parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "uflacs"
mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(-1,-1),Point(1,1), 20, 20)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
left = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], side)", side = -1.0)
y_BC = Expression(("1.5*x[0]+ x[1]", "0*x[0]+1*x[1]"), degree=1)
bcs = [DirichletBC(V, y_BC, left)]
# Define functions
dy = TrialFunction(V) # Incremental displacement
v = TestFunction(V) # Test function
y = Function(V) # Displacement from previous iteration
d = Function(V)
d_initial= Expression(("x[0]","x[1]"), degree=1)
y_reference = Expression(("x[0]","x[1]"),degree=1)
y.assign(project(y_BC, V))
V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh,'CG',1)
def W1(y,d):
F = grad(y)
C = F.T*F
Check = conditional(lt(dot(d,d), 0.4), 0, 1)
f = project(Check, V1)
if f == 0: #Evaluate Check the value at each point
return 0.5*tr(F.T*F)
return tr(F.T*F)
# Total potential energy
Pi = (dot(d,d))*W1(y, d)*dx
residual = derivative(Pi, y, v) # Compute first variation of Pi
jacobian = derivative(residual, y, dy) # Compute Jacobian of residual
solve(residual == 0, y, bcs, J=jacobian) # Solve variational problem
And now my problem is that when I print f at each point using print(f.vector().get_local()) , I don’t get 0 -1 values, which I was expecting as outputs of Check.
I think the issue here is that you are trying to project a discontinuous functional into a continuous function space (see this discussion for instance [my bad at choosing a CG space of order 1]).
Depending on what you want, you can define V1 as a Discontinuous space and then project or try the following as proposed in the above link I shared: