Parameters in FEniCS 2018/2019 equivalent to LUSolver('mumps') from 2017

I have been using DOLFIN 2017.2.0 for a long while and it seems I might have to switch to one of the later releases, however, my code breaks when I run it under the later versions. It is kind of hard to tell how much of it breaks, since I will have to fix each part to go on, but here i my first problem:

I used to create a solver

solver = LUSolver('mumps')

which now breaks.
What is/are the equivalent statement(s) in DOLFIN 2018.1.0 and/or 2019.1.0?

If you look into the dolfin C++ code in dolfin-2018.1.0/dolfin/la/PETScLUSolver.h on Line 52, it reads as:

PETScLUSolver(std::string method="default")

And in the Pybind11 interface file (dolfin-2018.1.0/python/src/la.cpp) on Line 852, it reads as:

.def(py::init<std::string>(), py::arg("method")="default")

as part of the available python interface for PETScLUSolver for Python.

I’ve not dived into dolfin.LUSolver. But if you are using PETSc as the backend, maybe give PETScLUSolver directly a try. The only thing to note is it seems like there’s no interface for set_operator for PETScLUSolver, so you might need to do

solver = dolfin.PETScLUSolver(A, 'mumps')

as indicated by Lines 855~856 of Pybind11 interface code.

Hope this help.


If you want to have more specific control over petsc, take a look at my answer here:

There it is shown how you can use petsc directly, and how you can define which solver is chosen using “command line options” for petsc.

Hi, Victor,

Would you mind to share more about PETScLUSolver? I used to use PETScLUSolver.set_operator(A), A is la.GenericMatrix. However, I found PETScLUSolver(A) requires an input of PETScMatrix. Do you have any idea how la.GenericMatrix can be convert to PETScMatrix?

Now that some time has passed and I have used Victor’s advice I believe I have some qualification to help shed some more light on this too. At least I can show you how I have approached this. Everything here strictly operates on the native DOLFIN matrix type, typically by converting it to a PETScMatrix. Note that this is just copy-pasta from one of my project files.

from dolfin import __version__ as DOLFINversion

from dolfin import as_backend_type
from dolfin import Matrix, PETScMatrix
from dolfin import Vector

if DOLFINversion == '2017.2.0':
    from dolfin import mpi_comm_self
    from dolfin import MPI
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from petsc4py import PETSc

def transpose(M):
    """Transpose for matrix of DOLFIN type
    M_ = as_backend_type(M).mat()
    Q = M_.copy()
    return Matrix(PETScMatrix(Q))

def zeroVector(n):
    """Zero-vector of DOLFIN type
    if DOLFINversion == '2017.2.0':
        return Vector(mpi_comm_self(),n)
        return Vector(MPI.comm_self,n)
    # use MPI.comm_self() in 2018.1.0 and later

def eye(n):
    """Identity Matrix of DOLFIN type
    li = list(range(n+1))
    I = PETSc.Mat().createAIJWithArrays((n,n),(li,li[:-1],[1 for _ in li[1:]]))
    return Matrix(PETScMatrix(I))

def ToScipy(M):
    """Creates a sparse Scipy matrix from a DOLFIN type matrix
    M_ = as_backend_type(M).mat()
    return csr_matrix(M_.getValuesCSR()[::-1],shape=M_.size)

def FromScipy(M):
    """Creates a DOLFIN type matrix from a sparse Scipy matrix
    M = M.tocsr()
    IM = M.indptr
    JM = M.indices
    DM =
    shape = M.shape
    M_ = PETSc.Mat().createAIJWithArrays(shape,(IM,JM,DM))
    return Matrix(PETScMatrix(M_))

def Solver(A):
    s = PETScLUSolver(as_backend_type(A),'mumps')
    return s