I have been using DOLFIN 2017.2.0 for a long while and it seems I might have to switch to one of the later releases, however, my code breaks when I run it under the later versions. It is kind of hard to tell how much of it breaks, since I will have to fix each part to go on, but here i my first problem:
I used to create a solver
solver = LUSolver('mumps')
which now breaks.
What is/are the equivalent statement(s) in DOLFIN 2018.1.0 and/or 2019.1.0?
as part of the available python interface for PETScLUSolver for Python.
I’ve not dived into dolfin.LUSolver. But if you are using PETSc as the backend, maybe give PETScLUSolver directly a try. The only thing to note is it seems like there’s no interface for set_operator for PETScLUSolver, so you might need to do
solver = dolfin.PETScLUSolver(A, 'mumps')
as indicated by Lines 855~856 of Pybind11 interface code.
Would you mind to share more about PETScLUSolver? I used to use PETScLUSolver.set_operator(A), A is la.GenericMatrix. However, I found PETScLUSolver(A) requires an input of PETScMatrix. Do you have any idea how la.GenericMatrix can be convert to PETScMatrix?
Now that some time has passed and I have used Victor’s advice I believe I have some qualification to help shed some more light on this too. At least I can show you how I have approached this. Everything here strictly operates on the native DOLFIN matrix type, typically by converting it to a PETScMatrix. Note that this is just copy-pasta from one of my project files.
from dolfin import __version__ as DOLFINversion
from dolfin import as_backend_type
from dolfin import Matrix, PETScMatrix
from dolfin import Vector
if DOLFINversion == '2017.2.0':
from dolfin import mpi_comm_self
from dolfin import MPI
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from petsc4py import PETSc
def transpose(M):
"""Transpose for matrix of DOLFIN type
M_ = as_backend_type(M).mat()
Q = M_.copy()
return Matrix(PETScMatrix(Q))
def zeroVector(n):
"""Zero-vector of DOLFIN type
if DOLFINversion == '2017.2.0':
return Vector(mpi_comm_self(),n)
return Vector(MPI.comm_self,n)
# use MPI.comm_self() in 2018.1.0 and later
def eye(n):
"""Identity Matrix of DOLFIN type
li = list(range(n+1))
I = PETSc.Mat().createAIJWithArrays((n,n),(li,li[:-1],[1 for _ in li[1:]]))
return Matrix(PETScMatrix(I))
def ToScipy(M):
"""Creates a sparse Scipy matrix from a DOLFIN type matrix
M_ = as_backend_type(M).mat()
return csr_matrix(M_.getValuesCSR()[::-1],shape=M_.size)
def FromScipy(M):
"""Creates a DOLFIN type matrix from a sparse Scipy matrix
M = M.tocsr()
IM = M.indptr
JM = M.indices
DM = M.data
shape = M.shape
M_ = PETSc.Mat().createAIJWithArrays(shape,(IM,JM,DM))
return Matrix(PETScMatrix(M_))
def Solver(A):
s = PETScLUSolver(as_backend_type(A),'mumps')
return s