The simple Python code below shows my attempt to evolve two independent, uncoupled 1D equations. In the full problem, they are coupled, but this simple case demonstrates my difficulty.
The first equation is a envelope that propagates from left to right with constant velocity. The second equation is an initial condition that remains static. I can solve the single-equation cases with no problem, but when I try to solve them simultaneously, I get the following error message:
Here is the code:
Primary library for the FEniCS Python API (should not import *)
from dolfin import *
For plotting…
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Specify the BCs
def on_left(x, on_boundary):
return (on_boundary and near(x[0], 0.))def on_right(x, on_boundary):
return (on_boundary and near (x[0], 1.))V_x = 0.7212389380530974
n_ds = 226
ds = 0.004424778761061947
c_width = 0.4424778761061947
c_density = 1.e8
lp_width = 0.27876106194690264
lp_density = 1.create a 1D mesh on the interval [0,1]
mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(n_ds)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, “Lagrange”, 1, dim=2)
v_1, v_2 = TestFunctions(V)u = Function(V)
u_1, u_2 = split(u)
uprev = Function(V)
uprev_1, uprev_2 = split(uprev)instantiate the corresponding FEniCS objects for Dirichlet BCs
bc_left = DirichletBC(V, [Constant(0),Constant(0)], on_left)
bc_right = DirichletBC(V, [Constant(0),Constant(0)], on_right)
bc = [bc_left, bc_right]specify and apply the initial conditions
u0 = Expression((‘x[0]>2.ds && x[0]<(lp_width-2.ds) ?
lp_densitysin(pi(x[0]-2.ds)/(lp_width-4.ds)) : 0.',
'x[0]>=lp_width && x[0]<=(lp_width+c_width) ?
c_densitysin(pi(x[0]-lp_width)/c_width) : 0.’),
degree=2, lp_width=0.2, c_width=0.6, lp_density=1., c_density=1., ds=0.01)
u0.c_width = c_width
u0.lp_width = lp_width
u0.lp_density = lp_density
u0.c_density = c_density
u0.ds = dsproject the above expression onto the solution vector u
u = interpolate(u0, V)
uprev.assign(u)n_steps = 100
time = 0.8
dt = time / (n_steps + 1)DT = Constant(dt)
VX = Constant(V_x)uplot = project(u, V)
uplot_1, uplot_2 = split(uplot)plot some results
plot(uplot_1, title=(‘Photon density in laser pulse (initial)’))
plt.close()plot(uplot_2, title=(‘Density of crystal excited states (initial)’))
plt.close()for i_loop in range(0, n_steps):
F = ( (u_1-uprev_1)v_1/DT + VXu_1.dx(0)*v_1 ) * dx
+ ( (u_2-uprev_2)*v_2/DT ) * dxsolve(F==0, u, bc) uprev.assign(u)
uplot = project(u, V)
uplot_1, uplot_2 = split(uplot)plot some results
plot(uplot_1, title=(‘Photon density in laser pulse (final)’))
plt.close()plot(uplot_2, title=(‘Density of crystal excited states (final)’))