Plot error using pyvista

Hello everyone, I’m a newer for dolfinx. I have installed dolfinx/lab using docker. I’m trying to follow the tutorial about Solving the Poisson equation, it raises the error when plot the function and mesh using pyvista:

Error displaying widget: model not found

The code is exactly the same with the tutorial. The official document of pyvista Jupyter Notebook Plotting — PyVista 0.33.0 documentation said that using itkwidgets and ipyvtklink will trigger this error. However, the error still exists when using ipygany and pythreejs. I really don’t know how to fix it. Has anyone encountered this problem?

You need to add the following to the notebook:

!pip3 install pyvista pythreejs ipygany --upgrade
!jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipygany

Then execute the code in the notebook. You will still encounter the error after calling these comamands.

However, if you now close your browser, reopen the jupyter-lab notebook it should all work.


Dr dokken,

It works! Thanks a lot.

If you need this to make the tutorial work, then it seems like this should be mentioned in the tutorial.

The tutorial is open source, and anybody can contribute with content to it at: GitHub - jorgensd/dolfinx-tutorial: A reimplementation of the Springer book:, covering new topics as well as transitioning from dolfin to dolfinx

If i find time for it over the weekend i will add a note to the section:

Please note that this is not required if you intend on using the interactive jupyter-notebooks as described in: