Plotting energy on mesh interval

I am attempting to plot the energy of my problem. I have successfully plotted the solution for different iterations, but I am facing difficulty in plotting it with respect to the mesh. Could you please review the last few lines of my code, which are responsible for plotting the energy over the mesh interval? I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you in advance.

delta = fe.Constant(1.2)
r0 = delta * fe.sin(np.pi / 4)
rmax = 37.0
mesh = fe.IntervalMesh(9, r0, rmax)
pk_initial, Integ1 = solve_kozlov(mesh, pk)

with fe.XDMFFile(‘solution0.xdmf’) as xdmf:

num_of_nodes = list(range(10, 66))
integral_values =

for i in range(0, 53):
new_mesh = fe.IntervalMesh(num_of_nodes[i], r0, rmax)
pk_initial_new = reproject(pk_initial.split(True), mesh, new_mesh)
pk_initial, Integ1 = solve_kozlov(new_mesh, pk_initial_new)
with fe.XDMFFile(f’solution{i}.xdmf’) as xdmf:
mesh = fe.Mesh(new_mesh)

integral_value = fe.assemble(Integ1)


print(‘integral values=’, integral_value)

step = 0.1
xi = np.arange(r0, rmax, step)
yi = np.zeros(len(xi))
print(len(xi), len(yi), len(integral_values))
for i in range(0, len(xi)):
pk, Integ1 = solve_kozlov(new_mesh, pk_initial_new)
yi[i] = integral_values(xi[i])

plt.plot(xi, yi)

Please use proper markdown formatting, i.e.

import fenics as fe
# Add code here


And please also add a picture of your current plot,and what you believe is wrong with it.

Thank you very much for your response. This is just a section of my code where I am attempting to solve the solve_kozlov() function using different meshes. I am using the initial guess from the previous run. The energy is plotted based on the solution obtained from various iterations. My goal now is to plot the energy as E(r), over the mesh interval, for example, r ranging from 0 to 37.
Here’s my current plot: and the code

Screenshot from 2023-06-07 13-33-52

import fenics as fe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import ufl as ufl
from reproject import reproject

def solve_kozlov(mesh, pk,  n=2, P_l=np.pi/4, P_r=0.0, D_l=-np.pi/4, D_r=0.0, K_l=np.pi/4, K_r=0.0, l_o=2.1):

    def left(x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and fe.near(x[0], r0)

    def right(x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and fe.near(x[0], rmax)

    phiP_element = fe.FiniteElement('CG', mesh.ufl_cell(), n)
    ksi_element  = fe.FiniteElement('CG', mesh.ufl_cell(), n)
    phiD_element = fe.FiniteElement('CG', mesh.ufl_cell(), n)
    pk_element = fe.MixedElement([phiP_element, ksi_element, phiD_element])

    phiP_space = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, phiP_element) 
    ksi_space = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, ksi_element)
    phiD_space = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, phiD_element)

    pk_space = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, pk_element) 

    Real_scalar = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)
    Real_vector = fe.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2)

    bc_1 = fe.DirichletBC(pk_space.sub(0), fe.Constant(P_l), left) 
    bc_2 = fe.DirichletBC(pk_space.sub(0), fe.Constant(P_r), right)
    bc_3 = fe.DirichletBC(pk_space.sub(1), fe.Constant(K_l), left) 
    bc_4 = fe.DirichletBC(pk_space.sub(1), fe.Constant(K_r), right)
    bc_5 = fe.DirichletBC(pk_space.sub(2), fe.Constant(D_l), left) 
    bc_6 = fe.DirichletBC(pk_space.sub(2), fe.Constant(D_r), right)
    bcs = [bc_1, bc_2,bc_3,bc_4, bc_5, bc_6] 

    marker = fe.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1, 0)

    xa = fe.Expression("x[0]" ,degree=1)
    r= fe.interpolate(xa, Real_scalar)

    if pk is None:
        pk = fe.Function(pk_space)

        phiP, ksi, phiD = fe.split(pk)
        pk_ = pk
        pk = fe.Function(pk_space)
        fe.assign(pk, pk_)
        phiP, ksi, phiD = fe.split(pk)

    vn = fe.TestFunction(pk_space)

    dx = fe.Measure("dx", domain=mesh)

    K_c = fe.Constant(12.0)
    k_o = fe.Constant(0.0)
    K_0 = fe.Constant(20.0) 
    gamma_L = fe.Constant(0.0)
    del_P = fe.Constant(0.0)
    r_p = r + delta * fe.sin(ksi)
    r_d = r - delta * fe.sin(ksi)
    integrand1 = (1 + (float(delta) *fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi, 0))) *2 * np.pi * r_p *(1 / fe.cos(ksi)) * ((K_c/2)* (((fe.cos(phiP + ksi)+ fe.cos(phiP - ksi))/2)* fe.Dx(phiP + ksi, 0) * ((1 + (delta * fe.cos(ksi) * fe.Dx(ksi,0))) ** (-1)) + (fe.sin(phiP + ksi)/r_p) - k_o) ** 2 - (k_o ** 2))
    integrand2 = (K_0 / 2) * np.pi * r_p * (1 - fe.cos(2 * phiP)) * (1/fe.cos(ksi))* (1 + (float(delta) *fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi, 0)))
    integrand3 = gamma_L * 2 * np.pi * r_p * (1/fe.cos(ksi)) *(1 + (float(delta) * fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi, 0)))
    integrand4 = del_P * fe.pi * (r_p * r_p) * fe.tan(ksi) * (1 + (float(delta) * fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi, 0)))
    integrand9 = - (l_o * fe.tan(ksi)) #* (1 + (float(delta) *fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi,0)))
    integrand5 = (
        (1 - (float(delta) *fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi, 0))) *2 * np.pi * r_d
        * (1 / fe.cos(ksi)) * ((K_c / 2) * (
            ((fe.cos(phiD + ksi) + fe.cos(phiD - ksi)) / 2) * (-1)
            * fe.Dx(phiD + ksi, 0) * ((1 - (delta * fe.cos(ksi) * fe.Dx(ksi, 0))) ** (-1))
            + (fe.sin(-phiD - ksi)/r_d) - k_o
        ) ** 2 - (k_o ** 2))
    integrand6 = (K_0 / 2) * np.pi * r_d * (1 - fe.cos(2 * phiD)) * (1 / fe.cos(ksi))* (1 - (float(delta) *fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi, 0)))
    integrand7 = gamma_L * 2 * np.pi * r_d * (1 / fe.cos(ksi)) *(1 - (float(delta) * fe.cos(ksi) * fe.Dx(ksi, 0)))
    integrand8 = del_P * fe.pi * (r_d * r_d) * fe.tan(-ksi) * (1 - (float(delta) * fe.cos(ksi) * fe.Dx(ksi, 0)))
    integrand10 = - (l_o * fe.tan(-ksi)) * (1 - (float(delta) * fe.cos(ksi) *fe.Dx(ksi, 0)))
    functional = (
        integrand1 * dx + integrand2 * dx + integrand3 * dx  + integrand4 * dx
        + integrand5 * dx + integrand6 * dx + integrand7 * dx
        + integrand8 * dx + integrand9 * dx 

    weak_form = fe.derivative(Integ , pk, fe.TestFunction(pk_space)) 
    jacobian = fe.derivative(weak_form, pk, fe.TrialFunction(pk_space))
    problem = fe.NonlinearVariationalProblem(weak_form, pk, bcs, jacobian)
    solver = fe.NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem)

    Energy= fe.assemble(Integ1)
    print('Energy=', Energy)
    return pk, Integ1

delta = fe.Constant(1.2)
r0 = delta * fe.sin(np.pi / 4)
rmax = 37.0
mesh = fe.IntervalMesh(9, r0, rmax)
pk_initial, Integ1 = solve_kozlov(mesh, pk)

with fe.XDMFFile('solution0.xdmf') as xdmf:

num_of_nodes = list(range(10, 66))
integral_values = [] 

for i in range(0, 53): 
    new_mesh = fe.IntervalMesh(num_of_nodes[i], r0, rmax)
    pk_initial_new = reproject(pk_initial.split(True), mesh, new_mesh)
    pk_initial, Integ1 = solve_kozlov(new_mesh, pk_initial_new)
    with fe.XDMFFile(f'solution{i}.xdmf') as xdmf:
    mesh = fe.Mesh(new_mesh)

    integral_value = fe.assemble(Integ1)

print('integral values=', integral_value)
# So here comes the problem how to make new plot?
step = 0.1
xi = np.arange(r0, rmax, step)
yi = np.zeros(len(xi))
print(len(xi), len(yi), len(integral_values))
for i in range(0, len(xi)):
    pk, Integ1 = solve_kozlov(new_mesh, pk_initial_new)
    yi[i] = integral_values(xi[i])

plt.plot(xi, yi)

Please use the formatting i referred to above

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I have edited the script by applying proper markdown formatting. I hope this version appears much better now.

There is still a problem, as your previous code added > to all lines, which has to be removed for this script to actually be runnable.

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I have eliminated all the “>” symbols. Hopefully, the script should now be executable.

If you want a new plot, you can simply call
plt.figure() prior to your next plot.

This doesn’t resolve the issue I’m facing. I am interested in plotting the energy (yi) as a function of xi, which is defined in the last few lines. However, I seem to be encountering difficulties calculating the corresponding energy values within that loop. Based on my observation, I am not correctly defining yi. Could you please recommend a better approach to address this problem?

As reproject is not defined in your code, I cannot reproduce any errors.
You should try to simplify your code so that it is reprodicble for others.