Point load and body force

@amy please read the things i Ask you to read. It is the first sentence in the link i supplied:
« Under macOS or Windows, start a Docker Quickstart Terminal.»

I could not start a quickstart terminal there is no explanation related with it

You Need to sharpen your googling skills. This is the first thing that pops up when you search for: start docker quickstart terminal

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Hello, I am able to see user name and container ID following the steps here
I wanted to try this step
The DOLFIN poisson.py example can be run using:
but the command below this gives me : bash: !/demo/documented/poisson/python: event not found, what should I do

Which of the commands?
cd ~/demo/documented/poisson/python
python3 demo_poisson.py

first one but deleting the pyhton at the end worked.
theses are the last commands
Solving linear variational problem.
To view figure, visit
Press Ctrl+C to stop WebAgg server
How should I see it ?and also I want to use spyder to write scripts and run

You have to continue reading the documentation. As of now, i have provided you with sources for this. See section 2.3 in the link above.

I pressed CTRL+C and run this command
docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared quay.io/fenicsproject/stable
but I got bash: docker: command not found

You are now doing trivial mistakes. Pressing ctrl c terminates the Python program, not the docker image Which is still running. Please spend some time trying to solve your problem before asking more questions.

I am really trying to solve, instruction is not clear. This is what I want as well and written in the document :Most users want to continue using the text editor, version control and other tools already installed on their computers, and just use the Docker container to run FEniCS.
There are other people having the same question but there is no answer to them.After poisson. py example part, docker toolbox is not available to enter a command.
I really need help, I am so new in this computational field

So to share files, follow section 2.3 above:

Most users want to continue using the text editor, version control and other tools already installed on their computers, and just use the Docker container to run FEniCS.

To share files between the host system and the container, use:
docker run -ti -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared quay.io/fenicsproject/stable

So simply share the current directory ( $(pwd) ) in the location /home/fenics/shared by adding the command: -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared.
I cant be any clearer than this.

As you are running in Windows, i would suggest to change the plt.show() commands with plt.savefig("figure.png") to save the images as pngs. You can Also save functions to file (as pvd or xdmf).

The questions here are unrelated to FEniCS. As dokken suggests, you may find more help from understanding the fundamentals before diving into FEniCS.